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i have a crush on this girl iv known a long time, ive been wanting to tell her i love her but i dont really have the guts to say so like im too shy to tell her, i dont know what she would think or say, i really really like her and now my friend comes along allready that has a girlfriend tells me to hook her up with him,and he knows i like her and awhile ago he told me he dont know if he feels it with his girlfriend because he likes yen too im in a bad spot and i dont know what to do can someone give me some advice i am very desprate i like just cant take it




sorry if i posted in wrong spot

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Just a quick question, how old are you?

It doesn't sound like you've had much experience with girls - but that's cool! There's a first time for everything!


Asking that person out that you're crazy about is really hard! But it's worth it. Think of it this way: If she says yes, you'll be extremely happy. If she says no, well, you'll be guttered, but at least you'll know right? The absolute worst thing you can do, is not let her know that you like her. Because then, you'll never know what could have become of it!


So, summon up the courage to ask her out. Be brave! It's worth it! Just hope for a quietish moment, with not too many people around.


The trick is, don't lay it on too thickly to start off. She probably doesn't even know you like her! So don't go splurting you love her or anything. Just casually tell her you like her, and ask her if she'd like to go see a movie or something sometime. The trick is being calm and cool. If she says no? Your life goes on. If she says yes? Your life goes on.


Of course, you hope she says yes


My advice to your friend? I think he should sort out his problems with his actual girlfriend before he starts having crushes on other people. Either way, ask her out before he or someone else does!


Best of luck, hope this is somewhat helpful

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i have a crush on this girl iv known a long time, ive been wanting to tell her i love her but i dont really have the guts to say so like im too shy to tell her, i dont know what she would think or say, i really really like her and now my friend comes along allready that has a girlfriend tells me to hook her up with him,and he knows i like her and awhile ago he told me he dont know if he feels it with his girlfriend because he likes yen too im in a bad spot and i dont know what to do can someone give me some advice i am very desprate i like just cant take it


100% absolutely do NOT tell the girl that you "love" her. Yeesh! Talk about coming on too strong and throwing all of your cards on the table at once. What left is there to be desired after something like that? What remnants of control. mystery, or challenge would you have left? NEVER confess your feelings.


What you do is simple. You tell her she is cool and you want to take her out on a date. That's it. You don't spill your guts and overload her with your baggage, you keep it cool and level. Regardless you have to do it, you've waited far too long and you need her answer ASAP so you can move on.

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