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Help! In love with friend of 13 yrs & dont know how he f

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OK, Im new to this but I really need help on what to do. You see, Ive been friends with this guy for 13 years and he's the best friend I could ever ask for. But over the last 2 years a lot has happened between us in the way that we have kissed...and gone a lot further but not all the way, even when he had a girlfriend. I realised I was in love with him 2 years ago but I havent told him because I'm scared of losing him.

When stuff has happened we have attempted to talk about it but it seems to me that he doesnt feel the same as me, but only see's me as a best friend. He seems to regret what happens but then it always happens again.

I know I love him and I cant imagine not being with him. People that know us say that we're soulmates but when people have tried to set us up, he's always said no becuase of the friendship.

I dont know how to find out how he really feels becuse the way I see it, things wouldnt have happened between us if he didnt feel something because he's not that kind of guy.

I dont know whether to get over him and if I should, how I go about it or whether I should keep trying to get together with him. I'd be a wreck if I ever lost him. I love him so much but I really dont know what to do. Please can someone help me!

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wow. if i were u i'd be really confused too. it seems really strange that he would do the physical things that you described if he didnt like you. and if he did do those things without liking you that is rude . really, i think the only thing you can do is talk to him. explain to him how you feel about him, tell him that your friendship is important and even if he doesnt feel the same way then you will still want to be friends. if he doesnt feel the same way and just wants to stay friends, you shouldnt take it too hard. there will be others, you automatically feel close to him since he is your friend. also, if he doesnt feel the same way, or isnt clear about how he feels, it would be wise not to let him do stuff with you, because the more you do the more it will hurt. im not saying he wont feel the same way, there is a very good chance he will but it would be very easy for him to take advantage and get to do stuff with you without any committment. dangerous just follow your heart and dont take life too seriously.

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I am some what in the same boat, I have been madly inl ove with a woman for over 3 years. She moved away 2 years ago and right now I am working on being a better man, so that one day I can find her and get her to love me back. She is MY whole life and I would die if I lost her.


In my case, the thing that would make me happy is knowing that she loves me. So if he likes you, maybe even loves you, let him know that you love him. That might just bring you two together.


I hope one day I will be with this woman I love. And I hope the best for you too. I feel the same way.


I hope that I have helped you in some way also. May God guide you and help you to get this guy.

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