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frenchkissing a friend..is it OK?

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in my previous/first post, i did mention about me kissing my partner. Thing is, we're not an item yet..you know, not official.. so is it okay to do french kiss him even though we're just friends? (yeah i know, giving someone that kinda kiss means more than "just friends") im not really ready to go to the "next level" but i can see that we're going there sooner or later. we've been kissing.. and this question just hit me. am i just sad doing that to him while we're just in a uhmm..."friend" stage? or is it normal to go through this phase before getting serious? any idea? i just happen to think about the comic Archie, and thought that he and betty and ronnie are friends and yet they kiss? ..hmm.. just an example..heh.. any idea?

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Hi fantasy,


No problem, friends can enjoy kissing and whatever together.


Relationships evolve from meeting onwards, perhaps there are several pathes:

meeting > liking > friendship

meeting > liking > love

meeting > liking > love > friendship

meeting > liking > friendship > love


However, it get's tricky when eventually only one is in love.


Guess you want very open communication - as in any close relationship.

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Thanks nottoogreen and ironlion85! i cant believe ive missed out thinking that friends can do whatever together, even if it includes kissing 0=D and i guess i can use the comic as an example..not wholly though. yeah he definitely has feelings for me

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hehe thats odd i was reading archie tonight!


haha, anyhow, i dotn see anything wrong with it, as long as both of you know that although things may work out later on, they also may not. and both of you know that and are okay with that i dont se eanything wrong with it.

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