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He just called me a "great girl"....

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guys aren't the only culprits in this case, girls do the same thing too!


I was thrown the whole "you're a great guy"

"there's plenty of people who want to meet you"

"you're so cute, you're like a younger brother to me"


those lines are there to make themselves feel better, not designed to soften, but instead to catalyze the blow big time!



oh btw the whole "he doesn't want to lose you"

call his bluff, NC him, see what really happens, if he doesn't he'll try to contact you do whatever he can so that he doesn't lose you. otherwise like it's always said. "actions speak louder than words"


stay strong

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The problem is that he is going on a trip and will be back in two weeks and he said he will call me when he is back and "take it from there".

*** You're giving him control of this situation. Take control back.


do you think he would change them and reconsider me after 2 weeks or are these just two weeks of torture for him to say the exact same things in person?

****You're waiting around to see if "he" still wants to "reconsider you". You should be deciding if he is worth considering after a comment like that.


I hope these two weeks fly by just to get them over with. I don't know, it's been two days since the e-mail break up and seems like an eternity....

**** Look at these two weeks to take care of yourself. Put a smile on and get out there. You are being held hostage waiting for "him" to "decide" your fate. You make yourself happy... no one else can do that for you or take that away unless you allow them. You should think differently.

Good luck to you. Get out and have some fun.

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how long have you two been dating?


and he broke up with you by e-mail?????


ugggg.... gross. forget him. he is a bonehead. yuck. breaking up by e-mail is not acceptable for anyone over the age of 13!



I am so sorry for what you are going through...I'm right there with you. I agree with annie24...breaking up via email??? The guy I'm in love with, but trying NOT to be, broke up with me via TEXT MESSAGE last week. And I got like three words total. To help in the healing process, I have to keep telling myself he took a cowardly way out, just like the guy you were seeing. I wish you a quick recovery, but I don't know if there is such a thing. There are plenty of us suffering right along side you. Take care.

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