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Serious Relationship vs Make-outs

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Why can't i have a serious relationship and i am always making out with girls? i had 5 serious-relationships and the biggest one was 3 months..but that was last year... this year there are too many girls and i always say NO to them if they ask me for a relationship...i just like them to have a good time and i know that they are not the right.. i see it... why is that..? when is the right-girl going to find me

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You just have to be patient in meeting the right girl. Karma happens in very unexpected ways. If you don't quite like a girl, don't string her along, don't kiss her. If she asks to be in a relationship (good job for you since you already) let them know you don't want anything serious. Don't break their heart.


On the topic of making out with girls, you really don't have to if you don't want to. Be straightforward. Let them know that you're interested in getting to know them, but don't want to get physical for now. Most girls appreciate guys who are gentlemanly like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see where ur coming from, im not sure of ur age. but, Girls can take making out as sort of a "I like u/love u" message from them. or they may believe that is what ur hinting at. As Ailec said, don't string them into a false expectation. Because that would just look like u used them. even tho that doesn't seem to be the case.


Secondly don't worry about dating right away. Take your time, until you find the right person, and make sure you just be urself.

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