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What to buy for my mistress???

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baller - does she like to shop? A gift certificate for a clothing store is always good for a girl that age.


How much are you looking to spend?


Does she like music? Does she have an i-pod or an MP3 player? Could you get her access to purchase some music??


um......other than clothes and music, I'm at a loss myself...

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umm i want to get her something that wont run out like if i give her a music cd it will be boring in a while or clothes it will be small in a year or 2 or perfume runs out fast i want to give her something that she would love to use or wear for the time being of me and her =D but thanxxx for the suggestions

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Does she wear jewelry? I am not suggesting to buy jewerlry. What I had in mind was that,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I know my daughter received this really neat musical jewelry box from a boyfriend once, that was engraved on top with her name on top. It was not overly expensive but was unique and quite cute idea.

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