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Ok I have known this guy for well over a year. He has been nothing but sweet to me. He is a really shy guy. He does certain things that make me feel that he likes me, such things include calling me on the phone just to talk (which lasts up to 1hr and ahalf!), Flirting, calling me his 'wifey', always around me, saying cute things to me and showing me that he cares and always asking me to hang out with him even if he goes out with his friends.

Does this mean he likes me?


I dont know if I like him, I do know that I get jealous (well not jealous, I dont know what it is, but theres a feeling there) when he talks to other girls and when they flirt with him, I always walk away when that happens so im not entirely sure he flirts back. However Once I did notice that when I walked away he followed shortly, but the girl also tagged along with him.


I feel really strange. Its like I have feelings for him but maybe I dont want to because Im scared of having a relationship.


Im not sure!! any ideas?

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Sometimes us guys can't scrounge up the courage to say what we really feel, so we joke about it. Him calling you 'wifey' might be his way of trying to let you know he likes you. I liked this girl who also happened to be a friend, so I called her my sexy little * * * * *. She didn't pick up on it though.

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Gee this sounds familiar... Dont think of the bad things that could go wrong in a relationship, dont be scared. Think of all the good that will come out of it. The biggest mistake you can make in life is to be scared to make mistakes


Btw - he does like you.

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Sometimes us guys can't scrounge up the courage to say what we really feel, so we joke about it. Him calling you 'wifey' might be his way of trying to let you know he likes you. I liked this girl who also happened to be a friend, so I called her my sexy little * * * * *. She didn't pick up on it though.


You're 14 and calling a chick your "sexy little b*"? wow... Maybe she didn't pick up on it because she's in middle school


Btw, to the original poster -- the guy likes you but evidently lacks the courage to make it happen, and he's hoping that you'll step-up and make the move. IMO most women hate when a man is too weak to get up to the plate and take a swing because that means he has no backbone. It sucks but it's the truth...

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