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flirting or what?

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Yesterday im sitting with my friend just talking.. this girl comes up to me (we know each other just averagely) and asks me to help her with her math homework. She thinks im pretty good at math and she's in one of my math classes. Truth is I was too shy and im actually pathetic at the section she needed help on..


So i go somewhere else.. she was there too. I go "I thought you were meant to be doing homework?" she didnt reply. So i start talking to someone else.. she walks away and once again goes "Hey (my name) come help me!"


Anyways we were both selected to help with this special evening held at my school. So we pretty were next to each other.. she saw someone eating a biscut and I go "come let's go get".. Right here's the strange part. She takes a bite from a biscut and puts her half eaten biscut in my hand. I looked at her really strange and im like "i dont want this". Then she takes another biscut.. bites it.. puts it in my hand.


Is she trying to tell me something? not sure.. she's really flirtatious by nature. any tips/ideas/advice?

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