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Shy Guy Cant Talk 2 girls!!!:-(

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ok im 15 and iv never been really good around girls i like i cant like ever say wat i want 2 i get really nevouse and like end up saying some thing completely stupid or like i wont say any thing at all. its not like afraid of talking girls casue 80% of my close friends are girls. its just i cant talk 2 the girls i really like. or if i get brave and say some thing that doesnt make me look stupid some thing horible goes wronge like they pretend 2 like me and then avoid me or some thing stupid like that. or this other time i really liked this girl and i she kinda liked me back but i was 2 shy 2 say and thing and before i knew it another guy asked her out so i decided to just become her friend and now were best friends. yah so help me!!!

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Hey same here i usta have the same problem like you and still sumtimes do but one ov my homeboiz gave me sum tips on acting around girls. Just get to know them better by just hanging out with them and observing what they do. Don't expect to talk a lot all the time cuz thats kinda irritating. Just be there, lisen and if you want to say sumthing jus think b4 you say it. Dont blurt out stuff that comes to mind cuz u can really say sumthin really stupid. Remember think b4 u say. Just talk to the girls den gradually yu'll b comfortable wid dem. and you wont b shy. Take chances but think of the outcomes first! Ask your best friend for help. Can u talk to her? If u can then youre on your way to b able to talk to other girls.

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i've got a little different problem. there's this girl i really like. but all i'm used to talking about is stuff like heavy metal and vice city and all that dude stuff.(yes she is a tomboy,cuz she kicked the good team's butt in football.)

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There is your answer if you are too shy you are going to miss things. I am sure it is hard for you to not be shy but try to talk about things you know about. It is always good to stick to topics that you know about this way you have confidence in the topic. Try to branch out and maybe read some things about topics that the girls you are interested in like. I think music is always good. I like music from A-Z and I have started many convos with that info. Good Luck

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So dont talk about new Mudvayne disc and how to pass mission "Shoot To Kill".


If she like to talk about it ~ GO ahead !


If she is looking on the flore while you are talking........ Ask her how was her weekend, or how did she do on the math test.


[Find a school subject she !hates! and keep the conversationwith her like...]


"OH, that stupid teacher , I hate him.... bla bla bla" Believe me she would say "You know what, he told me ....bla bla bla"


And you will start laughting ! [thats a good conversation subject]

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