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Dating websites, too young?

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I have a problem, you see im 18 (19 this year!) and i've never been in a relationship; but i really do want to meet someone. When i do go out they are places that I would not expect to meet girls, specially not the type I would settle in a relationship with. For example; im a drummer in two bands and we gig, and although I get interest from girls they are not the kind I would be attracted too - or the type I would date.


I am considering placing a profile on an online dating agency; just worried the kind of people on there are either over my age or just odd. Plus i wouldnt like to date someone overly outgoing, and would imagine most people on those sites are.

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You tried putting your band or just you on MySpace? Seems to be the in thing at the moment for up and coming bands and for meeting new people and a better option than a dating site at 18.

You could contact other 'girlie' bands, chat about your passion, music etc and got to be worth a try.

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You're definitely not too young to get yourself on a dating site. I think you may find yourself a minority, being only 18, but I'm pretty confident that you'll meet a few people with whom you share some common interests with.


I wouldn't necessarily recommend Myspace. If you already have a profile, then yeah, see where that goes ... but I never use it anymore. It just seems like a virtual meat-market where a lot of people beg for attention in the photos they post up. And, I could be wrong on that one, but it's been my experience with the site.


You really don't have much to lose. Give it a shot and see where it goes!

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I dont wish to use myspace, I have many reason why i hate the place, i do agree with you on the photo thing though. Plus i don't really find it a place where people meet each other.


If anything im just really confused where to meet someone; Sure i can meet a girl if im out on a gig or at a club or something; but she would not match me as that whole scene is not me.

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Toggle: Even if you do end up meeting a girl at one of your shows ... the right girl will actually want to get to know you. The "real you" - as cliché as that sounds - she'll take the time and effort to get to it.


I think that meeting a girl over the net would be an ideal place for you. If you really want her to be able to get to know YOU before she sees all the flashing lights and loud music, then it just makes sense to go the internet route.

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You are a drummer in a band and you are single? WOW! you should be enjoying this! : )


okay so serious answer, you sound very sweet, but like you said very young, IN MY OPINION, you should be in no rush to get into a relationship. I had an absolute ball at your age going out with my mates having a new 'boyfriend' every other week and I dont mean I was promiscuous because I wasnt - just dates, but it was fun.


My brother on the other hand was always in a relationship, one to the next to the next, he is 24 now and he doesnt know how to be on his own. He says he wishes he had of sowed his wild oats when he was a teenager.


If you concentrate on your band and having fun with your friends and drumming! girls will fall into your lap and how do you know what your 'type' is until you give someone a chance?


I met my boyfriend online, on Faceparty, and my friend met her husband online, so there are good stories, but there are also a lot of weirdos! believe me!! I got chatted up by them and so did my boyfriend! so just be careful if you do decide to do this.

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