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Un Blocking her??

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so I blocked the ex on MSN, about a few days ago, I really want to unblock her to see if she will say anything to me, I do not plan on replying, just want to know if she is thinking about me, but maybe if she really wanted to talk she would call right????


Sorry today was one of the bad days, I want to be strong but it is tough...

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don't be sorry.


You are strong...some people can't even bring themselves to ever block them.


During the first two months after my break up, I blocked/unblocked/re-blocked (and repeat) my ex about a gazillion times. Sometimes the blockage would last ten minutes...sometimes 2 seconds, sometimes 3 days and sometimes a week. I also moved him to different "groups" so that I wouldn't be able to "see" him... ah the crazy things we do.


If you REALLY need to know and you're going to do it anyway, unblock her. Just whatever you do, don't message her first. And if you feel like you want to, re-block her. If you're anything like me, you'll be doing this frequently at first...then less and less as you heal and move on.


Good luck, feel free to PM me anytime.

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Hmmm I'm on the same msn roller coaster at the moment. It's not fun. Blocking, unblocking and blocking again. I never message him first but he always messages me. And I can't quite bring myself to ignore him. I'm getting to the stage where I'm thinking of deleting him altogether. But can't bring myself to do it. Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh the pain

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Sobo I have to say that chatting to him hasn't helped me in the least. I've actually gone backwards since, which is the reason I'm thinking of deleting him. I'm not strong enough to ignore him when he messages me because I miss him so much. The problem is that every time he does I get this little glimmer of hope which is gut wrenching.

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I guess I'm the only one strong enough to hit the block button once for good. Did it twice in my life, one, I unblocked after 1 or 2 years (I'm not sure), the other one, well I still didn't, and she blocked me also lol (I told her I didn't want to talk to her and was blocking her, yet it took her a couple of months to block me back.)

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Sobo I have to say that chatting to him hasn't helped me in the least. I've actually gone backwards since, which is the reason I'm thinking of deleting him. I'm not strong enough to ignore him when he messages me because I miss him so much. The problem is that every time he does I get this little glimmer of hope which is gut wrenching.


it is that hope that I am afraid of, I don't want to have any, or else it will drag on way too long, but being said, it's kinda hard not to hope isn't it...

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I had my ex blocked as well.. I didnt find out he had msn until we broke up to be honest with you.....anyway finally I un blocked him... then he started messaging me... and more and more.... it was making me sooo angry.. I couldnt get myself to block him again.. but it hurt every time he messaged me... something always hurt me.. I would expect him to say he loved and missed me and it seemed like he was telling me why it was good we split up....


BUT THEN, my ex eventually phoned me, and asked me ot meet up.. we got back together and 3 weeks ago we got married....


Just keep the ex blocked... delete them...

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I had my ex blocked as well.. I didnt find out he had msn until we broke up to be honest with you.....anyway finally I un blocked him... then he started messaging me... and more and more.... it was making me sooo angry.. I couldnt get myself to block him again.. but it hurt every time he messaged me... something always hurt me.. I would expect him to say he loved and missed me and it seemed like he was telling me why it was good we split up....


BUT THEN, my ex eventually phoned me, and asked me ot meet up.. we got back together and 3 weeks ago we got married....


Just keep the ex blocked... delete them...


so what your saying is that even if you block them, if they really want to talk to you, they can easily call you,

What caused you to pick up the phone, and not just ignore it?

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so what your saying is that even if you block them, if they really want to talk to you, they can easily call you,

What caused you to pick up the phone, and not just ignore it?


He called me at work.. I didnt have call display....

My guy only called me because we had been chatting on msn for about two weeks... this was after about 4 weeks of no contact.....if I had of continued to block him and we never got chatting again... who knows how long it would have took for him to call, or if he ever would have called....

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He called me at work.. I didnt have call display....

My guy only called me because we had been chatting on msn for about two weeks... this was after about 4 weeks of no contact.....if I had of continued to block him and we never got chatting again... who knows how long it would have took for him to call, or if he ever would have called....


i guess i can start chatting to her eventually, I mean i will in time accept that we will only be friends and that is better than nothing, but how long this will take is a mystery to myself. I'm only on dat 3-4 of NC so it's still too early to start "chatting" with her.

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i guess i can start chatting to her eventually, I mean i will in time accept that we will only be friends and that is better than nothing, but how long this will take is a mystery to myself. I'm only on dat 3-4 of NC so it's still too early to start "chatting" with her.


Yeah.. deffinitely dont talk right now...

If you think you want to remain friends, then great.. but try and get yourself together before you attempt that...

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it is that hope that I am afraid of, I don't want to have any, or else it will drag on way too long, but being said, it's kinda hard not to hope isn't it...


Yes it is.......I really try hard not to have any. But it's there. And driving me crazy.

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I have not blocked him (yet) What I do is delete his name from my buddylist although I must admit I then sometimes look his name up to see if he is online.....But as long I do not contact him, it is ok. He is now deleted again from my list, lucky am so busy working I do not really have time to talk to him anyway....I do not think I could block him (yet). He is not really my ex (please read my threads for more background info) but we cannot be together because we live too far apart. He is still a lot in my mind but I am also starting to realize I have to move on and be open for people living more closer to me... But I do not want to end all contact (yet) so I want to be some sort of "available" to him, maybe I should not but blocking him would be so "definite". Same as deleting his number from his phone, which I did a couple of times but then he contacted me again and I had his number again..

So for me deleting him from my list is enough for now. As long that keeps me from contacting him, it should be fine....

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OK I've taken a step forward. I've deleted and blocked him from my contact list.......honestly his messages were driving me crazy and not helping me in the least. So I bit the bullet. I don't want to contact him and I don't want him to contact me.......I really need to get over him.


And now I no longer see his name when I sign on = bonus

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OK I've taken a step forward. I've deleted and blocked him from my contact list.......honestly his messages were driving me crazy and not helping me in the least. So I bit the bullet. I don't want to contact him and I don't want him to contact me.......I really need to get over him.


And now I no longer see his name when I sign on = bonus



Same here, I just put her in a group of contacts I never look at anyway, thereforeeee no MSN names, I still fear one day one of my friends will be like "dude, did you see _____'s MSN name" then I will be curious and check it out, but im glad I did what I did, it will make things easier

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Within a day of my ex and I breaking up, I removed him from my MySpace account (all pictures, messages, comments etc) to include his family members, I removed all traces of him from my computer at work (i.e. e-mails, pictures, etc), I took down the pictures of us. When I got home I went directly to all the pictures of us and removed them. Anything he had ever given me, to include some of my favorite collectibles, clothes and jewelry (I have yet to buy a new damn watch) I removed and placed in a box, sealed it and dated it and put it in the closest in the storage room. I then erased all text messages, and phone numbers from my phone and removed all signs of him from my computer at home. When he came and got his things he even made a comment about how fast I had erased him. I almost though he cared, but I held fast and stated that he broke up with me and told me there was nothing I could do about it and he did not love me and never had. Why be reminded of all the lies with the pictures and memoralbilia?


Did it help? Yes and No. I don't have to look at stuff of ours. I am still reminded of the empty space in the closet where his clothes used to hang and everyday when I look to see what time it is and don't have a watch on it stings.


Removing them from the surface does not remove them from your heart and thoughts. I still tried to call him and still text messaged him. But I stopped that in 5 days. NC from him and I was done. No need to make myself look anymore pathetic than I already had and it's obvious that he meant far more to me than I did to him. My mistake. Lesson learned. Move on and don't make that mistake again.


We can convince ourselves so many times over that we want to be back with them, because that is the only thing that feels like it will make the pain go away. If she wants to talk to you she can call you. If you answer you have to be as prepared as you can be to deal with the conversation that may take place. Unblocking her is just another place you will sit and look at and say "did she send me a message?" "why hasn't she contacted me?". It's just like checking your phone 10 times a day to see if they called or sent a message.


Just because you think about them does not mean they think about you. Sucks to hear and sucks to say as I am going through it as well but that's just the way it is. Far before the breakup happens the person doing the breaking has removed you from their life in that way. It is easier for the to move forward as they are not dealing with the blow of a broken heart.

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