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big problem, no solutions :(

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me and my girlfriend have been going out for about a month and a half now, we still havent kissed yet. shes kissed guys before but i have never kissed a girl before. she is obviously not doing anything about it yet she texts me telling me how much she wants to kiss me. i find it very difficult to know when to make the move, and also when i tell her i plan on doing it its like she gets all weird and leans away from me and stuff like that, i have no idea what to do to get over my nervousness or what to do about her plz help thx in advance

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seems like a good plan, but then the problem after that is i dont know what way to kiss her. we are pretty open in our conversations about everything and we talk about htis all the time and i told her the main problem i have is not knowing what way to kiss her. open/closed mouth etc and she just said "it depends" like * * * kinda help is that, if anyting that makes it harder

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seems like a good plan, but then the problem after that is i dont know what way to kiss her. we are pretty open in our conversations about everything and we talk about htis all the time and i told her the main problem i have is not knowing what way to kiss her. open/closed mouth etc and she just said "it depends" like * * * kinda help is that, if anyting that makes it harder


Don't worry, you got an autopilot built in


Just be soft and gentle.


Edited: Instructions provided by hk87 below should work. Use at your own risk

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Closed mouth is something you would give a relative. Open your mouth slightly, and when you make contact with her lips, either just keep them there or move them in a sort of circular motion, like your massaging hers. Always be slow and gentle. After that, let her take the lead as she has done it before, and when she wants to move on to french kissing, she'll let you know. You know she likes you, you've talked about kissing her, you know she wants to. NExt time you are leaving her after a date, look into her eyes, put your arms around her and pull her in towards you. She'll know what is going to happen.


Good Luck, the first one is always scary with a new partner!


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