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He was supposed to be the shy one but the tables just turned

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So I'm totally outgoing. Got over my shyness years ago. No problem. I havent had a boyfriend in months, no interest. I've had my heart crushed too many times. Then I met this guy. He's 19. 2 years older than me. Totally shy. Completely adorable. So I got his number, hung out with him a bit and hooked up with him. This sort of thing im good at. Im known for well, how to put it, my outgoing actions and casual encounters. But I really like this guy, hes not like anyone else I've screwed around with. But hes so not my type! I know he likes me too, he told me. He blushed too, it was quite cute. So I figured what the hell, try something new. Why not? I like him he likes me. I asked him out, guess what he said. Surprise surprise, "I'd love too" so that was a fun night of making out. Now I have myself a gorgeous, honest, sweet boyfriend. Now I'm shy. Alone time is all good. Drunken times are all good. But in town, totally sober with my friends and his friends everywhere, all that goes through my head is how to hide. I dont know what to do! Help![/code]

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*****Hm..I'm a bit confused...maybe I didn't read your post thoroughly enough. But..WHY do you feel like you want to hide? Are you just suddenly feeling shy because you have such a great guy, and you aren't used to guys like him? Or are you ashamed of him? I need more info, then maybe i could offer you some advice.

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