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Testing Nervousness

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Ok, I'm 23 and I just got tested and waiting for the results (will find out on Wednesday). I dont have much of a sexual history (2 partners) but I had unprotected sex with the last girl (little over a year ago). Not smart at all


Also adding that this is the first time i've gone for tested, so yeah, I'm quite a bit nervous. I'm trying to find ways to pass the time but it's seriously on my mind and I can't shake it off. I hate thinking of the fact that because of a slipup in judgment I might die early.


I know even if i'm positive it isn't the end of the world. I just needed a place to go to talk. I hope this is it..

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honestly, you probably are overreacting. its pretty unlikely that the girl had an std..i mean, its possible, but have you heard that she did? or has she ever been tested? did she sleep around a lot?

of course i cant say for sure, but you probably dont have one.

you cant do anything until you find out the news, anything you do until you find out will not change anything. if you cant change the situation, then try as best as you can not to stress about it.

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Don't worry until there is reason to. Odds are you are alright and there is nothing worng with you


Waiting for test results is a very difficult thing to go through. Just give yourself some comfort on the subject and remind yourself you are probably just overreacting. Every year I am tested for all STD's even though I practice safe sex, but still worry constantly that I am dying of some undetected illness.


Trust me, I've been there!

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