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Winning her over...

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I met this girl a few years ago through a friend and have had a crush on her ever since. We get along very well together and have fun, but the problem is i dont get to see her very often. She is really busy and she has a boyfriend. I really care about her more than anything and I need to know if it is at all possible to sort of win her over? How can i tell if she likes me as much as i like her? Should i tell her how i really feel or will that freak her out or offend her? Should i just wait until she breaks up with her boyfriend and then make a move? HELP!

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I think alot of us have been there!

I remember this girl I had a crush on, she had a boyfriend too, This Crush lasted about 4 years, It killed me I had to cry over her, I never saw her that often too, but we did have contact with each other at the time, this was the girl of my dreams I wanted too marry her, and deveote my life life too her.


But you have got too face reality, She has a boyfriend I don't think it's too much of a good Idea too get involed, If you decide too wait for her you could be waiting years, and still nothing could happen,


How to get over this crush, how I got over mine, was too try too avoid as much contact with her as possible, block her email address, change your mobile, I even avioded places were she might be, I know this is an extrmley hard thing too do as you may jump at the chance of seeing her. but fight off seeing her. But if you do bump into this girl in the street try not to ignore her just say hello, so you don't become ignorant.

Try changing you're thoughts as I did, it's difficult but it becomes easier with time. when you think of her STOP! think of somthing else Try listening too music and sing with it, also try looking at over girls, first they may not even come close to the girl you're intrested in, but keep trying and accepting, this helps too


I while after this girl had split with her boyfriend, we went out, and I was utterly disappointed in her, I could not believe this as she always seemed to be an angel too me and too others, but when I got too know her she turned out too be basically Evil.

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I really think you need to respect that she is taken. If she liked you then I do not think she would be with her boyfriend. If you tell her it might make a lot of problems for example she may tell her boyfriend and that is drama you DO NOT want. I think you are going to have to wait it out. Howlong have her and her b/f been together??

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i'm not sure how long they have been together. I do know that she had a b/f a few months ago and switched to this new guy so im hoping she might do the same with this current one. Although the other b/f was mean to her from what i heard. And about her not wanting me, she hasnt seen me in a while. we just began talking again a few days ago and since then shes given me a bunch of pics and she tells me im funny and everything. its like shes playing games. i just cant seem to read her that well.

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I'd be really nice and try to be/stay one of her best friends. Wait till she breaks up. If she develops feelings for you, maybe she will consider leaving her bf, you never know! If you tell her now, she might feel uncomfortable and if she still likes her bf alot, she probly won't leave him and then your relationship with her might get weird but that's just what I think. Good luck!

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i don't think its such a good idea to try and take her off her bf. i mean she IS with him. just put yourself in her bf's position. how would you feel if some other guy was trying to take your girl off you. and also if she does break up with him to be with you, how do you know that she won't leave u for another guy , shes done it once, she won't have a problem doing it again.


i've had this done to me before. i took a girl off her bf and what happened? she left me for another guy. i've learned from experience and having your heartbroken isn't fun, but i guess i'd rather have my heartbroken than to break someone elses.

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  • 5 weeks later...

these situations occur often, probably alot more often than you think, i was surprised myself, i'm in some what of a simular situation, i like this girl, shes got a boyfriend herself (shes been dating him for three years) but recently, we hit it off, we've messed around and have shared some sweet words to one another, although this may sound wrong and not of common principle, i think you should go for it, don't feel bad about the boyfriend situation, if theres one thing i've learned out of this, is that love is a funny game that can never be conqoured, approach it with subtle actions, and see how she reacts, if she goes for it, that would mean she prefers you over the others, don't think of her as a shkank because of all the other guys shes been with, think of it as her hunting for that right person, shes now experienced, and knows what she wants, and most importantly what she does'nt want, so see what happens, play it smoothly, then move in for the kill , good luck

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  • 1 month later...

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