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Eye contact with the honeys, what're your results?

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Are all stores closed (if you're talking about closing times nm then)


Ok, why do you always make up excuses ross?




I have never once seen you utter.


You're right Let's try it.




What the hell it can't work.


No, You tell guys (who claim to know what they're talking about, oh and I can provide pics of girls I've dated (with me in them)) as I am sure macgyver can too).


Anyway, we're not telling you hard things, but instead of just heeding our advice, (or at least saying I'll try) you continually shoot it down like you don't believe it or know better...




The store is shut down totally.


Anyway, it's really hard to try a lot of the things or I'm not be able to try a lot of the things that people on here have suggested.


Anyway, I've said I'll look into the dance lessons, I've been proactive with the eye contact test thing which was quite hard for me and was hoping to be bale to smile back if any of the women did smile at me. Baby steps dudes, I can't just jump straight into the deep end, I'd drown.

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Anyway, I've said I'll look into the dance lessons, I've been proactive with the eye contact test thing which was quite hard for me and was hoping to be bale to smile back if any of the women did smile at me. Baby steps dudes, I can't just jump straight into the deep end, I'd drown.



It will get easier every time you go out to do it. You may even have someone come up to you and say something about you being out and about more.



Time for me to go get cigs. and wash the car.....

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It's weird how when writing this topic I seemd to totally forget that a few months before this when I was in town I was getting quite a bit of eye contact from women. No smiles though.


So, anyone going to try this test or what?

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Hey Ross,


I've tried similar eye contact experiments before. I found that making eye contact is easier if you start looking at them when the two of you are about 30 feet (10 meters) apart. When do you start looking at them? Do you wait too long?


Also, smile before your eyes meet. It shows that you're happy with yourself, and makes you look friendly and easy to approach. Don't worry about looking weird. Everyone looks weird from time to time. I know most people don't smile, but most people don't want to meet new strangers.


Remember, if you do what do the same things you've always done, you'll just get the same results.

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Hey Ross,


I've tried similar eye contact experiments before. I found that making eye contact is easier if you start looking at them when the two of you are about 30 feet (10 meters) apart. When do you start looking at them? Do you wait too long?


Also, smile before your eyes meet. It shows that you're happy with yourself, and makes you look friendly and easy to approach. Don't worry about looking weird. Everyone looks weird from time to time. I know most people don't smile, but most people don't want to meet new strangers.


Remember, if you do what do the same things you've always done, you'll just get the same results.


I honestly don't know, maybe it is about 10 feet. I do know though, that when I done it and they made eye contact back, that I was doing it naturally without thinking, I was feeling really good that day and confident. The next time when they never made eye contact back, I was actually making myself make eye contact, it was a conscious decision each time.

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It's weird how when writing this topic I seemd to totally forget that a few months before this when I was in town I was getting quite a bit of eye contact from women. No smiles though.


So, anyone going to try this test or what?



Gave it a shot at the gym today just for the hell of it, especially since it's not much different than how I normally act anyway. Got some smiles back, little small talk, nothing more or less than you'd expect. Didn't pursue it any further than friendly conversation about the weekend and such, but can see how you could parlay it into something more if you were so inclined.


To be fair this is probably an easier setting to pull off than at a store or in the street, since we aren't really moving around and in closer quarters, but have to think the same ideas apply.

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