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Alrighty, question

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Ok, Basically I just want some thoughts on this. I assume she's interested yet, I'm not sure exactly.


Ok me and this girl met almost a year ago, we have spoke off and on but haven't seen each other in person since the initial meeting.


Anyway, I goto an get together/shindig/roleplaying thing. I get there we hug (I'm a hugger), anyway, right when we get alone she asks me how's the woman situation (which is interesting in and of itself that it was asked so quickly and so ya... It was like the first thing she asked). I retort (is that correct) with guy situation, she responds she just wants to have fun, has a few guys interested yatta yatta. Anyway, goes on I get introduced to other peeps. Have fun she has to run off and do her duties. She keeps coming back, and apologizing for having to leave me. (I'm havin a blast so I don't notice it really I'm off chopping, getting kneed in the head fun times). So then she comes back, and when she going to have to ref for a thing, she asks if I want to sit by her I can. She also offered her tent, and a sleeping bag, etc etc. (sleep in the 2nd room of her tent). Now she could just be really nice, and friendly for people to join or other.


Anyway, (I was honestly only looking at friends but I'm always up for more with certain people (Aka. happy with friends, but willing to try more). I've never really been able to get a good read off her because she keeps kinda busy. Ok, I throw myselfs at your mercy. Like I said I'm happy with either, and I didn't quite grasp what she was saying at the time. I mean honestly I don't know.


Current battle wounds are:

Twisted Ankle

Bruised Knee

Bruised Shoulder

Hands so sore they can barely type

Caliced hands


but it was sooo fun!

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If you're interested in her why don't you just ask her out at least that way you know what she wants?


Sorry I can't be more help.



I know that would seem like the simplist solution, I think I'll bide my time for a bit.


Preciate the response tigris.

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she responds she just wants to have fun, has a few guys interested yatta yatta

It could not matter to you either way, but she also seems to be interested in something casual and fun, like just a fling. Find out what she really wants, and make sure you're both on the same page.

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