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Does She want to date me?

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Hi Guys,

ok, i have been talking with a girl lets call he B. a few weeks ago i notcied B stairing at me at school. it was really werid. she just kinda watched what i did and stuff. i just waved, smiled and moved along my day. a few days later she ims me and we talk for a bit. the conversation goes well and she singed off. she then pops back on line send me two smilys kisses and signes off. the next day i ask her if shes got a crush on me and she avoids the question. she does have a crush on me, this i know. i give her my cell phone number and we talk back and foruh for about another week. the school trip to canda was last week and i got to spend a lot of time with her. we talked the whole way there and back. while on the maid of the mist, she stairs at me for a long time without talking so i give her a kiss, she just smiled. later she says that it made her feel uncomfutbule. she says this i think we should stay friends for now but if we get closer later on we can move to the next level. she explanes she has never been in a relationship and its a new thing to her. she calls me almost everynight and we talk for quit a while. she even calls and hangs up several times as a joke. she says im a nice guy whos fun to be with. she tells me stories that dont make sense and i try and fiqure them out then she says im silly or something like that.


so is this going well and what should i continue to do. iv never been in a relationship and i like her too. i just want to do the right thing and not mess this up. any ideas? or have i been FriendZoned?

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she says this i think we should stay friends for now but if we get closer later on we can move to the next level


I think what both of you to have is really special but I think this is what you really need to think about at the moment... By the sounds of what you have described above she wants a relationship with you but isn't ready for one yet, especially seeing as she has never had a relationship before.


How long have you known her for? Sometimes if you are friends with a girl before you start dating it can be a bad thing, they worry about the friendship if the relationship goes sour. All you can do is make her comfortable and tell her you always be there for her no matter what happens, should it go that far.


Just take it one step at a time, you are doing the right thing... but she needs to work out what she wants, without hurting you in the proccess.


Good luck!

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