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Problems, need peoples advice/opinions

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I am always hurting from my lover because i sacrifice and do so much for her yet i dont get anything back. I get up early so we can have some fun but we only talk, i get on cam naked so she can enjoy my body but i dont get anything back. This and proberly much more i give but i dont receive. also when it comes to sex im always led to beleave that she wants it then when it gets to actually asking time she doesnt, shes teasing me. She proberly notices after declineing sex that i stay quiet for a few mins, im trying to deal with being hurt then.


Its that and much more that hurts me. I keep quiet for her, so that she doesnt feel bad. but i feel worse and worse. I really want selena to be my wife, i'd love to be her husband, but with these issues i wont survive.


It never used to be like this, whats changed i dont know. But we used to have sex sometimes twice a day, Sometimes things get like this but they quickly get back to normal. its been getting worse though..


I really want to listen to what other people say. I have never felt so good about a girl but been hurt so much. I really wanna stick with her till the end, but it will be a quick end if we dont sort out these issues.

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I'll tell you the same thing I'd tell a woman. Back way off and let her miss you and work to keep you a while. Never give more then you can afford, to a lover, and never give if you are getting nothing in return. If she wants you, the changes you make will force changes in her behavior. If she doesn't want you, this will end before you get more badly hurt.

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  • 1 month later...

First, You can't expect true love at 15, no offense..i thought i could, but here i am alone. lol. Secondly. Its not fair that your pouring your heart out to the girl, but she doesn't respond the same..that should trigger red flags, and should tell u, to back things off, maybe she just wants to talk about things, not get, overly sexual, as u cannot let sex take over the relationship..as it will destroy things rather than help..it should complement it, like go hand and hand...talk about things, hows school, summer, life, fall, winter..anything under the moon. This isn't meant to sound as cold as it sounds, its just if u keep pouring ur heart out to her, tis gonna get broken, i have a committment issue (posted on relationships), because i did basically the same thing cept with girls where i live. and some far away.

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