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why r girls attracted to a-holes?


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Alright recently I sent a message on how to get my ex back, well I was wondering why good girls are attracted to guys who have 1.no job 2.no respect for anybody but themselves 3.have a "thick skull" and 4.just try to get down their pants. Its bothered me because most of my ex's have ended dating losers. The last gf I had her whole family liked me and I helped her with some problems but yet I still think she is attracted to the guy who ditched her at prom (I gave her a ride that night). So please girls just tell me why are u sometimes attracted to jerks?

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The bad-natured guys are sometimes confident, but often are masking insecurity with false confidence, which plays perfectly into the hands of girls with low self-esteem who need that boost and adrenaline. Just be confident in yourself and feel free to celebrate your lack of tolerance for girls who are immature or stupid. I'm sure there are lots of "quiet" girls out there who don't play these games, and you need to sift through the crowd and find them, and quickly identify and write off the bad apples. Hope this helps...

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The age-old debate. Nice guy vs. the Jerk. In the end they both lose. You see like Winkie said, the jerk usually gives off the illusion of confidence. They know what they want and go for it. This is a very attractive quality for most women. women who want a man that has the strength and convictions to go for what they want. However, in the end the jerk ends up pissing her off with his lack of interest for her and burns her in the end. If she is smart she will learn that the jerk is no good. Some girls learn early some never learn.


Oh so the nice guy wins eventually right? Wrong. You see the nice guy lacks confidence, lacks a backbone. Never wants to rock the boat. Always gives into the girl's whims and desires. Has no real life of his own. The nice guy is a wimp. So the girl will talk to him about everything, will rely on him for everything, but will never date him. Why? Because he is no challenge.


So what is the answer? Well, you have to be a real man. What is that? Basically you have to have the strength and convictions to live your own life. But you have to be there for the girl and give her love and affection. Weird eh? Well the balance is different for every woman. Some want more love others less. The secret is finding what works for you and then finding a girl who wants that kind of man in her life.


Some basic things to remember.

1. Confidence = self worth and a chance at a real relationship

2. Date someone to make you better, not them better

3. You have to love yourself first

4. Make sure you have time set aside for your own interests independent of her.

5. Be her friend not her therapist.

6. Treat her with the respect you wish to be treated with.


I hope this has helped you. There are many articles regarding this age-old debate. I've only touched upon a few of the issues. I hope I have shed some light onto your problem.

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Awesome advice, dfcannon!


There are girls out there that aren't into the a holes. You just may be looking in the wrong spots. Try meeting people through school clubs, youth groups and church groups.


Also, you are 16ish. By the time these girls your age start hitting their 20s, they will no longer be into the a holes. Remember, a nice guy finishes last, but with good reason, for the girl that gets him need not look any further...


Best wishes!

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