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So most of you probably don't remember me posting a while back about this guy. Anyway, me and the guy are now together. He has a past. He's been with a lot of women in his day. But regardless, his past is his past and we are giving it a shot. The thing seems to be that all of the people that wanted us together are now trying to break us apart. Two of my good guy friends in particular. My guy says its because they like me and are trying to put a wedge in between us, +but I can't help but wonder. The things they have been telling me have really been bothering me. Like one of them says that my guy was laughing and telling him "she's a virgin and I'm pretty sure she's saving it for me...dude if I scored with her, that would be like my fifth virgin ever." Like wow thats a blow and a half. I could go on telling you more stories and such, but I won't. its just when I ask him about it he completely denies it and acts hurt that they said it. He's really good friends with them all too and it just seems like friendships are being ruined. I don't know what to do. is this worth it, should I listen to my guy? I want to...I don't know.


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I don't think he's with me just to have sex. We've been together 2 months already. He told me to wait until I was ready, even if that wasn't with him. Its just i don't know, he says heartfelt meaningful things to me and then jokes it off and tells all his friends. Maybe thats the "manly" thing to do? :S

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He could be saying things to his friends but equally could be playing the "big guy" in front of them. Finally, they could be either making it up or exagerrating things he does say. 4 possibilities. My best guess is that he does say things to sound big in front of them but they exagerrate what he says. Only a guess, though.

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