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cheated out of a relationship..can i fall in love again

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Its been a few months since i called it off with my girl friend.I cared about her a lot but unfiortunately she did not love me half as much. coming out of the pain now, feel lonely at times as to will i ever be able to fall in love with someone again, will i find myself a soulmate who loves me the same , if not more as i love her.once bitten twice shy, i treat everything with suspicion, is it healthy ?do i have a chance finding myself someone who is truthful and honest.too lonely.... too sad.tell me what to do.

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A soulmate, eh?


Try starting a fire using two bananas, you'll have better luck


A big key to being successful in relationships is to dispel any notion that to be happy you have to find "the one" or some kind of soulmate, that you will love for life. It's a romantic notion we've all been indoctrinated with and it's not actually viable.


You certainly can fall in love again - how exciting is that? Just think...I wonder what your next girlfriend is doing right now? If you know her, or have yet to meet her..think about how you have no idea yet, and how much of an adventure it's going to be.


When you get together with someone, it could last 10 minutes, 10 days, 10 weeks, 10 months, 10 years, or longer. Just don't make someone the focus of your world, treat them as you would wish to be treated, and accept that love can be painful, but it's worth the risk.


Good luck.

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Its been a few months since i called it off with my girl friend.I cared about her a lot but unfiortunately she did not love me half as much. coming out of the pain now, feel lonely at times as to will i ever be able to fall in love with someone again, will i find myself a soulmate who loves me the same , if not more as i love her.once bitten twice shy, i treat everything with suspicion, is it healthy ?do i have a chance finding myself someone who is truthful and honest.too lonely.... too sad.tell me what to do.


There is no such thing as a soulmate. There are over 3 billion women on this planet and there are far more than just one that you can be happy with. So the first step would be to toss these romance novel notions as they are silly.


Second, you WILL get over her, especially when you meet more women. Don't focus on one girl, meet many, and eventually you will find a good one. You can try myspace, it's a nice way to meet people.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Dunt fall in love with someone too much, like em alot, but try not to fall in love, cuz when you do u tend to cling to that person, ive done it and when the girls packed up and left it hurt me alot and took months for me to get over em...

jus force urself not too need any girls..and u if u do fall in a relationship jus test em and take it slow

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