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When to call/what to say?

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Hey again everyone, I'll just get right down to it and explain the situation.



I've known this girl for about a year now, last year at school we never really talked, this year I've had her in a few classes of mine. For the past two months or so, I've sat next to her in one class. I started flirting with her in the typical ways- sort of making fun of her playfully, all of that good stuff.


Recently I just got the guts to get her digits. She didn't sould overly excited or anything, but she wasn't like..-reluctant- to give it to me. This was last thursday. I figured I'd take friday to get a feel for things. Friday wasn't awkward at all, and then today, monday- was the same. The same flirtatious stuff going on. Now, I'm relieved that it's not awkward now that she knows I'm interested, but now I'm not sure when I should call her or what to say. I'm not sure if I should call her just to talk, see how that goes, then call her later on in the week to actually set something up- or to just call once and set something up, keep the call short.


When should I call, and if I call just to talk for a while, what sort of things are good to talk about?

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You want to call early in the week... before she makes plans for the weekend. And just call her and keep things brief. Invite her to do something like bowling... or minigolf.. anything the two of you can have fun. The reason I recommend those is because it tends to be a bit more physical. Or perhaps just chill at your place. Don't go and see a movie as you won't get to spend any quality time.


And for god's sake get off the phone like you are on a mission.. don't make the mistake of sitting on the phone for 3 hours.. 10 minutes tops.. she might become uninterested before you even get the first date in.. so make sure you start off spending time doing something fun, and then see where it goes from there. Good luck

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Just for future reference you should've called a lot sooner. Even calling the next day is fine. I've called chicks the same night as i've picked them up in a club and still later hooked up with them. Don't listen to that advice warning you about sounding needy. You personally won't have that problem. The problem you will encounter with women (which is something i'm still working on) is showing your interest in them. You do this by not hesitating in calling them.


Call her ASAP and don't be afraid to stay on the phone. It sounds like she has some interest, but maybe not enough to set up a meeting. The way you increase your chances of setting up a date is by saying on the phone and talking to her. That way setting up a meet can come more naturally in the flow of the conversation. Just wait for your opportunity and take your shot when it's right.


I'm not for this idea of hit and run when calling and trying to set up the date. Increases the chances of her cancelling on you because she doesn't feel like enough rapport has been developed to take you seriously. If you don't feel like your phone skills are good enough to keep her interest, you need to practice this as if you can't keep her interest on the phone, how well do you think you'd do with a conversation if she's right in front of you instead?


Read this article on the phone: link removed


And go to these sites and study up on girls:

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Hope this helps!

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Hijack mode!


I have long phone conversations with this girl I'm talking to. We've been talking for a month now and each call has been at least an hour. From what you guys have been saying, it seems as if this is a no-no. Any suggestions on how to lessen the time of the calls or anything to help this phone situation improve?

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Hijack mode!


I have long phone conversations with this girl I'm talking to. We've been talking for a month now and each call has been at least an hour. From what you guys have been saying, it seems as if this is a no-no. Any suggestions on how to lessen the time of the calls or anything to help this phone situation improve?


Your situation is different. You haven't been progressing things fast enough and now things have stagnated. Eventually you do have to set up a meeting and try to escallate things physically (holding her hand, kissing her, etc.). At this point the long phone conversations aren't doing anything to help your cause.


Ask her out and make a move on her.

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