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so i had the bottom right hand side of my lip pierced this time last week. The problem is when i push the bar outwars with my tongue lots of pus like yellow liquid comes out and it looks so horrible. it always seems to be leaking this liquid and then it dries and doesnt look nice. I have followed the cleaning regime religiously and every so often use salt soaks to help it along. Also my lip is still swollen after a week and the back flat often presses into my lip which can be uncomfortable.

has anyone else had this trouble with their lip piercings and if it is not normal what should i do?


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My friend had a problem with hers and she ended up taking hers out. if thats the case i wouldnt really worry it didnt seem to scar on her, she took it out not long after... but im sure it was still healing.. so no hole or anything (if that worries you)


Depends if you get an infectionreally. same with any piercing. if youve only just had it done then maybe you should give it benefit of the doubt for a little longer.


A male friend of mine has never looked "perfect" so to speak. so. But alot of my other friends all healed well..


Pot look. just make sure theres no infection.



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Go back and see the piercer and ask them for their advice.


Good luck




If it's an infection, do not take the piercing out, that will only close the the infection in.


It could be healing lymphs. My lip did that for a little while. Does it look otherwise red and swollen? Does it hurt a lot?


Your piercer will better know what to do.


I read your post a bit more closely. You need to get a longer bar. Your piercer should have pierced you with jewelry long enough to allow for healing. As for cleaning, the sea salt soaks are the best, make sure it's dilute enough (1/4 tsp per cup of warm water), and you only need to do it a 3 times a day ish. Rinse your mouth with water after eating, drinking, or smoking. Lastly, DON'T PLAY WITH IT! Just leave the thing be.


Good luck

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When my boyfriend got his lip pierced the piercer guy told him NOT to wash it with the salt stuff and to just use peroxide and mouthwash....


Nope, amongst the knowledgable and reputable in the body mod community, the collective agreement is SEA salt soaks (NOT iodized table salt) or saline solution rinses.


Peroxide shouldn't be used as it says right on the bottle that it's for external use. A puncture wound that is caused by a piercing does not fall under "external". Peroxide is great as a disinfectant for superficial wounds, but using it on a piercing strips it of white blood cells and platelets, precisely what you need to heal. Regular alcohol, undiliuted mouthwash should not be used as it strips the mouth of it's flora. It's great to prevent bad breath once or twice a day, but use it numerous times a day for a few weeks for healing and it causes a condition called "thrush" where an abundance of bacteria resistent to the alcohol flourish. Not condusive to good healing.


Some piercers say differently. Some of their piercees heal their piercings without a problem, but they have a higher incidence of failed piercings.

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well luckily i lost my first bar down the sink, the ball fell off and then the whole thing fell out. so i went to the tattoo shop up my road and they have put in a very very long bar in with a smaller ball and it has helped so much. i think the preivious bar was too short like someone said earlier as it was putting pressure on the inside of my lip. also the tattoo place people told me to use rock salt made salt wash and i have been using it twice a day and now it hardly pusses at all. there is the lymph drainage but it doesn't happen all the time and crusts ( eeeeewww i know) straightaway.

thanks for all your advice


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