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Love Changes Everything.

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A lot of the time, now that i'm pretty sure I've found love, I feel like I'm in a movie. Every cliche hat they say only happens in movies seems to replay itself for me. THe thinks I used to see as really really silly, such as talking on the phone with him for hours now seems to be natural and very necessary.


My question has only a little bit to do with this though. IT's really... how much does love change someone? I used to be very disciplined and puntual and now I find myself laid-back but also not too disciplined wiht my actions and always late for things. It sort of bothers me,and I'm not sure how to reclaim that discipline within the relationship.



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Love definitely changes a person. My sister has been with her boyfriend 2 years and she was just commenting the other day how much she has changed when she fell in love with him and how she is a bit more clingy and dependant on him while as before when she was single she was so strong and independent. So I think we all change, its different being in a relationship and being in love and wanting to be everything for that person.

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It definitely does but it's easy to get carried away with the euphoria of being in love without recognising that the person you love has faults. It can also be unhealthily obsessive where you don't see family or friends, neglect your career, etc.


Other than that, just enjoy it!

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It definitely does but it's easy to get carried away with the euphoria of being in love without recognising that the person you love has faults. It can also be unhealthily obsessive where you don't see family or friends, neglect your career, etc.


Other than that, just enjoy it!


Very true. Through my many experiences, I have learned that when one is in love, it is VERY easy to not see any faults of the person you are with. That is, until the day comes and something bad happens and you realize that everything is not perfect. Being in a relationship takes work, but I feel that most difficult of all, one must learn to divide his/her time between the person you are in a relationship with and everything that was in your life before that person came into your life.

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Very true. Through my many experiences, I have learned that when one is in love, it is VERY easy to not see any faults of the person you are with. That is, until the day comes and something bad happens and you realize that everything is not perfect. Being in a relationship takes work, but I feel that most difficult of all, one must learn to divide his/her time between the person you are in a relationship with and everything that was in your life before that person came into your life.


Absolutely right and then the whole balance changes yet again when you have kids! It's best to have "me" time "family" time and "us" time with each other member of the family. Now where is there time to work, eat and sleep?

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Sometimes there isn't time for work, eat, and sleep. In my case, it seems like it's just work and nothing else!!!


It's not like that for me all the time but I'm having trouble keeping up with this board and haven't been on the BBC board for ages!

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