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He can't get it up with me - is it me?

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I think it is really nice of you to take this seriously, some guy.

Thanks for that.

You two obviously have a good relationship and understand each other.


I've never thought before that you needed a purpose to tell the truth.

I thought you needed a reason not to tell the truth.

My question still stands: if it is so natural and there is nothing wrong with it, why would it hurt her feelings and make her insecure?

Why would you keep it from her? Why would she keep it from you? Aren't we supposed to be open in our relationships?


These are more of hypothetical questions as things, obviously, work for you.

And you may say that I deserve everything I got, but I'd still rather be told the truth.

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Well, I think my GF explained it well when I spoke to her about it. She said that if I told her about every girl I was attracted to that it would make her insecure, make her question herself and compare herself to the other person I'm attracted to. I would feel the same way if she was telling me about how hot every guy she was attracted to was.


When you go to the bathroom, do you announce to your partner that you are going to do a # 1 or a #2? Do you tell him how many sheets of toilet paper you used? Do you mention if you constipated at all, or if you had diarrhea and it was all mushy? I bet not. You probably say something like "I have to use the bathroom" and leave it at that.


If you prefer for him to tell you when he is attracted to other women, that's entirely up to you. I can't imagine why though.

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