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Everything posted by ruzintrn

  1. I think it is really nice of you to take this seriously, some guy. Thanks for that. You two obviously have a good relationship and understand each other. I've never thought before that you needed a purpose to tell the truth. I thought you needed a reason not to tell the truth. My question still stands: if it is so natural and there is nothing wrong with it, why would it hurt her feelings and make her insecure? Why would you keep it from her? Why would she keep it from you? Aren't we supposed to be open in our relationships? These are more of hypothetical questions as things, obviously, work for you. And you may say that I deserve everything I got, but I'd still rather be told the truth.
  2. Married, divorced and together again. Told you it's complicated
  3. 100% agree!! Being there for me only makes it harder to leave
  4. Well, he used to. Now I feel that nothing can make me happy. Unlike you, I don't think that not telling the truth makes things better. Your gf may be happier, but only b/c she doesn't know what is in your head. If there is nothing wrong with it, why don't you tell her? If that is alright, why would you hurt her feelings? If you think that is normal, why would you make her insecure by telling her? You KNOW that your gf will be hurt if she knew you are tempted by other women, so you decide not to tell her. So, you are telling me that you are respecting your gf by keeping things from her?! No offence, but that doesn't sound like much of respect to me. You don't think she can handle the truth, so you lie to her.
  5. You guys made me think. He IS being a total jerk with the women thing and I don’t think I can ever forgive him for that. But with just about everything else he is perfect. I know it’s hard to believe after what I’ve said, but it is truth. He’s always there for me, no matter what. Always. He never blames me for any other problems. And all that makes it ‘complicated’. He is a looser in a way, but not a single thing from that article applies to him. I always thought that honesty is important. If he wanted to have sex with those women, I would expect him to tell me. Are you saying you never want ‘other women”? Or just choose not to mention it in front of your gf? And I am thinking: will I just swap someone who wants other women and is open about it for someone who wants other women and lies about it?
  6. Unfortunately, I've never told him beforehand! I sort of thought it was implied (my mistake ) I've never told him anything (until recently) cause I never thought he is serious (my mistake again )
  7. When you put it like this, you may be right.
  8. Because, as I said, our relationship is a bit complicated. 'Other women issues' means that I always felt he wanted other women. He says only a few of them he really wanted. But I'm sure, if they wanted him too, he would've 'cheated' more often. And it wouldn't be 'cheating' anyway, because he would have always told me about it. I suppose that was my problem that, when he said 'She's so sexy, I would like to have sex with her', I took that as a joke. It wasn't until recently that I realised he was serious.
  9. So what you are saying is: Blood pressure tabs could be the reason he's having problems with me, but if he was with someone else that might not be a problem?
  10. My bf and I are having a rather 'complicated' relationship for years, but always end up together. Most of our problems are revolving around 'other women issues'. Lately, he is being having problems with maintaining his erection. Now, I have put some weight on, but he insists that's not the problem. He is also taking drugs for high blood pressure. Could that be the reason? Because, I'm thinking, if he was with someone else, new, sexier,… he would not have problems. Any thoughts?
  11. ruzintrn

    Naked men

    It was porn, not webcam. But why is that different?
  12. ruzintrn

    Naked men

    I am new on this forum, but I'd like to hear your opinion. My bf went berserk when he found me looking at sexy naked boy on the Internet. The boy in the picture was slightly younger that me, but still, is that such a big deal?
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