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Yo, I'm new to this forum but really need advice, I have no idea how to go about this lol, and I know its a topic that is addressed so much but would really appreciate your opinions.


Basically I'm 18 and I started uni last year (oct 2005). I'm not very tall (about 5ft 5) and there's this girl who is my height, very attractive (at least in my eyes) who lives opposite me in the halls. At first I just thought she was another attractive girl but I got closer and spent more time with her (went shopping just me and her, went swimming etc) and eventually fell for her, thinking she liked me too.


I knew that her long term ex boyfriend that she even went travelling abroad with dumped her over the phone just before she came to Uni and I think she was taking it pretty bad, so I waited a while before I made any drastic moves.


Anyway I couldn't stop thinking about her over Christmas and when we got back into our halls everything went back to normal for a while. Again I thought she was being particularly friendly and maybe too shy to actually say anything. I've regretted waiting too long in the past so I went for it and told her I really liked her (which I now know is a big mistake). But yeah, you guessed it "I'm flattered but we're good friends yeah?". But she also said "I'm not ready for a relationship right now" and "maybe we could go out in the future" but I think she might have said that as just a nice way of letting me down without bombing my ego.


Course this left me with a load of questions such as "did I read her wrong?" "was it too soon?" "didn't I tell her enough" "does she think I'm just another guy giving it a shot cause she's hot but not really caring?". I wanted to tell her more but thought that would just make it more awkward.


Anyway a few months past and now its May, and I have forced myself to become less interested and move on, but since Easter shes been acting REALLY friendly. Asking me to go with her to the gym all the time, asking me out to the on campus bar, saying when you next go home I wanna come too to see your home town, offering to cook for me for a week if I do something daring etc etc.


What I wanna know is, is she being more friendly because and she feel she can do or say anything she wants knowing I wont take it the wrong way because she can see I've moved on. Or is she trying to tell me something but is embarrassed because she rejected me before?


I just don't want to make an idiot out of myself again, surely if she likes me she would tell me outright? I just don't want to miss this opportunity, because I still have feelings for her.


Thanks for your time

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mmm thats a difficult one as it can be hard to read someones thoughts most of the times, and some signs can give off mixed feelings.


She could just see you as a really good friend hence why she is enjoying spending time with you, or she could have fell for you. I really would be stuck if I was in your situation.


I wouldn't say anything as if she likes you she should make the first move seems as you did in the past. I would just take every day as it comes......

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To be honest i think this girl is enjoying spending time with you, but probaly also enjoying the attention. She knows that you like her, and is getting a boost of self esteem by spending time with you. I think it would be good to really find out how she feels. If she still just wants to be friends you can accept this, still spend time with her but perhaps go out more with other people and other girls. but watch out coz she may say she isnt interested at first and then change her mind when your attention is directed else where. Be honest, but protect yourself.

hope this helpsxxx

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Yeah I agree actually, after giving it some thought I think she just doesn't want to lose our friendship, because I have talked to her about other girls recently. And I like our friendship. I'm quite happy to leave it where it is rather than mess it up with my stupid interpretations and come off as a complete loser lol

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I can only offer you my experiences. And that is, the last time I told a girl I liked her, she became WAY more friendly towards me, and it just confused me more. But her feelings never changed. Girls love the attention of a guy who likes them, and they don't want it to end...unfortunately, it can be very misleading for a guy

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