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She likes me...Help...

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I'm 15 and I've just started working at a convention centre. I work as a waitress type person and I've been working there for about 1 week now. I met a girl there named Samantha and she is SO nice. She's in her early twenty's and we have been hanging around together at work, you know, just talking and stuff. She's from England and she's just so good to chat with. I think it's kinda cool having an older friend and it always seemed like she loved having me around too. I always thought she saw me as a little sister or something.

But... whilst we were working today, as we were going through the corridor, a few people with trolleys came through and we kinda had to squish up against the wall to stay out their way as they passed through. She kinda used her body to squish me up against the wall. I just stood there giggling 'coz it was so awkward but she just stared at me...its hard to explain how she was looking at me, but it was the kind of look you give someone before you kiss them. You know, that long and meaningful stare?

ALSO, throughout today I've felt her watching me. Not in a weird stalker-ish way, just glancing at me every once in a while and whenever I caught her eyes she'd smile and blush and pretend it didnt happen.


But you see, her supposedly liking me isnt the real problem. The REAL problem is...I think I like her too. I've always thought that she was really pretty...but I didnt know until today that maybe I like her more than I should


I dont know. Maybe I'm thinking way to hard about this and letting it get to me. Is it worth saying anything to her, or is that to risky? Do you think what happened to me today means anything, or am I over-analyzing?

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to be honest, i say if you don't say anything about this and see how you feel then you will be beating yourself up over it for years, wondering if you might be bi or even a lesbian. If you have a curiosity, i'd say go for it, for all you know being with a woman might feel 100% different (and 100% better) than being with a guy, even though you like them both. So say something to her, just drop hints like telling her she looks very pretty today, see how she reacts...


if you guys are saying goodbye to each other you might offer a peck on the cheek, and if she feels the way you think she does she might move her head so that the peck lands on her lips lol. I would say she likes you though, don't be ashamed, its not like theres a problem with being gay, and even if you aren't its perfectly normal to be curious about what it would be like with someone of your own sex. Believe it or not, while i have yet to find a guy attractive in any sense of the word, talking to gay guys makes me feel comfortable, comfortable in that i don't have to talk about how many girls im having sex with at the moment like some of my other friends do all the time, we can talk about other stuff. Like i said i've never found a guy attractive, or even wanted to kiss one, but i think you might have the same thing going on that everyone else does, if not a little more.

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I agre with AntiLove there 5 years do not sould much but with you being 15 and her 20 it a world away. It ould just be a crush and if it is dont let that push you to do any thing your feel your not ready to do. We can tell you what we thing but its upto you. Have you talked to your mum or dad about this or a close freand that know you well.

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