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Does this girl like me

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I have liked this girl called brooke for months and she makes eye contact with me all the time but her friend is being a right bitch to me and saying she does not like me even though brookes to shy I think she does like me because she always flirts and looks into my eyes when i look in to her eyes she starts blushing I think she should stop being controlled by her friend and listen to herself because her friend is jealous because she does not have a boyfriend and her friend told the guidance counsillor on me at school I love Brooke and Care for her but it's her friend I hate when she says brooke doesn't like you brooke gets really sad and upset I don't think her friend should get involved. Brooke is a really nice girl and real beautiful and I love her when I first saw her I fell in love with her when she looked me in the eyes I think she is shy. Does she like me or not because I really like her and she is a real awesome person I wrote her a letter and Her friend told on me. Everytime I look she is always looking at me and talking about me WHAT SHOULD I DO DOES SHE LIKE ME OR NOT AND WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT HER JEALOUS FRIEND.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, there is NO good solution for the jealous friend.


If you're really interested in Brooke, you need to let her know, in no uncertain terms. Try to catch her alone for a minute at the end of a class that you share, at lunch, or between classes. I know it takes a lot of courage to approach someone, but the pain is far less than that of regret. Try to be casual and POLITELY ask her whether you can call her sometime, or online, or meet someplace after school. Only by the way you treat Brooke will you be able have any chance at having the jealous friend stop being so jealous. I'm not saying that she'll ever stop being jealous, it's just that having a confrontation with her will NEVER win.


It's very hard to find a partner. A person who cares about us as much as we care about them. Someone who you don't mind looking foolish in front of, or sharing the deepest of secrets with. It would be nice if we were all mind-readers, but we're not. The only way to find that 'right' person is to TRY.

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  • 7 months later...

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