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Kissing in a movie theater for the first time HELP

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You could start by holding hands and then after a while put your arm around her shoulders. Then a little later kiss her on the cheek and keep your face turned towards hers and she should turn her head and then just move forward and kiss her on the lips. It doesn't matter if you get embarrassed because she can't see your red face and she can't see yours.


My advise is sit somewhere where nobody can sit behind you then they won't interrupt you saying that they can't see the film.


Have fun.

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most girls in my school do like that sort of thing and im pretty shur she will the way she acts and stuff. im not going to shove my tongue down her throat when i say making out/french kissing i mean like i am going to play with her tongue and let her play with mine not any heavy stuff

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In that case I think she should enjoy it. I find the best technique to start with is to run your tongue around her lips and then slowly work your way inside.


My 2 husbands used the thrusting technique and I hated it. However, when my Fiancee and I tried it for the first time I discovered that she had the same technique as me and we actually hooked our tongues together. It was brilliant!


Don't forget, practice makes perfect.

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I'd take her in the evening so that when you come out of the cinema it's dark. I'm a romantic and that would mean being able to continue kissing her without embarrassment.


What movie to see? I'm sorry but I have no idea in that department. Why don't you find out what's being shown and talk to her and see what she'd like to watch. If there's a movie with her favourite actor in it that would be a great idea.


Good luck

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IT ALL WORKED!!!I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!! we made out like 30 min into the movie and till the end of it.. i was so happy!! it was scary movie 4 i had allready seen it and knew it sucked but she wonted to see it but didnt like it so she was all for making out she didnt say tha but she defently looked like she wonted to so we did i did that thing where i put my arm around her and then kiss her on the cheek and then go for the lips

i then like put my hand right above her butt and around her neck and we made out she defently had made out befor because it seemed like she knew what she was doing because she was in control but i liked it. she would like kinda suck on my lips and she really moved her tongue around well in my mouth and i loved every bit!!!!!! thanks sooooooooooooooooo much i am soo happy


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