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hey everyone..im new to this forum..well, ok..im kinda stuck in a weird position Ok..i have been seeing this guy for about a month and he has fallen like head over heals in lvoe with me..well, ok that was all handy dandy till we starting hanging out with more n more people..ok..well, to make is short i have a crush on one of his good friends i really like my boyfriend but the excitment of the beg. of relationships and like hiding everything and like..just the awkard begs. excite me i love them and that was never there with me and my boyfriend..but my boyfriend fell asleep and it was a couple of us chillin and he like laid next me and shared his cigs. and we would jsut share everything it was real sweet you know how it goes...and like i would sit up and hewould put his head on my shoulder "resting it" or w/e he tryd to call it..but we were totally flirting and sumtimes i caught him out of the corner of my eye looking at me..it was so kute..i cant just dump my bf for his good friend..thats f*cked up..i still really like my boyfriend i just..i dont know..i really like his friend...to make me sound a lil better him n his friend jsut met like 3 days ago thro me..so i mean hes more my friend then his but they have been chillin for awhile and workin together now..but, hell...what do i do?... please help me i need sum advice FoRrEaL!*!

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Ok, my advice to you is to stick with your boyfriend, BUT if you really want this friend/your friend, then break up with your boyfriend, and dont go out with anyone for like 2months or so, then try to get with the friend, But i dont reconmend that one. I say stick with the b/f....

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This is a tough one. Sounds like an accident waiting to happen. Does not sound like you're too crazy about bf #1. So why stay with him? Break up and bf #2 will probably ask you out. It sounds like you're very young and not ready to be serious with someone yet. So don't be. Best thing you can do is explain to a guy that you don't want to be too serious, and that will help to save him from heartbreak, too.

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Allright. Number one. First off, if u were to break up with your boyfriend for his 3-day friendship with this guy u like, imagine how he will feel, a on month, or whatever relashionship down the drain. Walk a mile in his shoes before doing ANYTHING, think..how would you feel if he did that to you!! crushed,hurt,angry, and very revengfull, So think, wouldnt he feel the same? I meen if u love your boyfriend why in the world would u want to hurt him! and what if u go out with this other guy, u might meet another guy and be like "well I like him, so Ill just break up with him for this new fresh guy" that sounds incredibaly dumb.No kidding, doing this might creat a pattern. Now, if U feel like Ur CERTAIN that you want this other guy, tell this other guy u like him, and then make a plan, protect your self girl, get your boyfriend ina situation where he cant get out, find something to use to break up with him, then wait...a week and go out with this other guy, It may hurt, but he wont feel as rejected, and hurt if u were to break it off just cause u like someone else. But, as always follow what your hear says, wiether its wrong or right eh?

Dont take anything personaly im just giving you your options and helping you on both sides



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ok well me n my boyfriend broke up andi guess you could say im now dating his friend. hes really sweet to me and i really like him. but last night in the car he was talking about runnin trains on me wit his boy and stuff.. and i was like...hello? i dont think so and he was like i know i could have her but i would wanna share wit my homeboy which..NO...made me mad? i dont know maybe hes just joking right? i dont know.. i hope he was jk i hope hes not like that

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