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feeling trapped

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Has anyone ever felt like they're just trapped? I feel like I am trapped in a vicious cycle inside myself. I tell myself I will do things differently, better, next year, but I never do... In fact, I just screw up my life worse every time. Will this continue to go on, getting worse and worse until there is no "next year"? Sometimes I just question reality: Is this the only reality we have? The only life we'll live? Or will we ever get a chance to relive those moments where we could've done so much more... A chance to try not to mess it up and waste no time... It's nice to dream isn't it? I just don't feel like I believe in God anymore. Why would he let anyone be as wretched as I am? I know there's people who have it worse than I do, but still I feel 100 times worse than they feel without as many reasons... why? I'm not saying my issues are meaningless, but they aren't as horrible as going blind or losing a limb... Why be punished this way with unhappiness that keeps going and coming? I'm so tired... Anybody have some thoughts about those teen issues hotlines? I know it's not a permanent solution, but I would like to talk...

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