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Guys do you let girls down easy when you reject them?

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Many females will be mean, cold, careless, and thoughtless when rejecting a guy they're not attracted to. They'll ignore him, laugh about him to her friends, use harsh words when rejecting him, As a female I've seen it happen and I've done it once before. I felt horrible after that incident and thats why i'll never do it again unless the guy is a complete . I guess thats why some guys don't like asking for dates.


Guys, when a female asks you out on a date and you're not attracted to her do you let her down easy, avoid her at all costs, or let her down hard? Do you brag to your friends and anyone else who will listen about a female asking you out and you rejected her? If your friends knew her would that make a difference in how much you bragged or talked about it? How would you treat a girl you rejected? Avoid her?

I would never again reject a guy badly because I got the same type of response and it blows. So what goes around comes around. but I would like to start asking guys out without getting the same response other females give. Guys please don't say complain about unfair that is. My friends and I have talked about rejection attitudes and we've changed and sometimes change happens one person at a time.

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I do not reject any girl who asks me out period, simply because, no girl ever does or has, and since it is such a novelty, any girl who were to ask me out would can not be rejected because it would be a first experience for me that anyone has ever done that, that I would have to say 'yes', unless I'm already taken, in which case, I'd just say I'm unavailable.


What girls do is give hints, but the guy has to read between the lines, or read into it, and then do the asking.

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When i had a gf and if girls came on to me i just told them i had a gf. They would get the hint and leave me alone. When i'm single and a girl comes on to me and i'm not interested, i usually act distant. I try to give off clues that i dont like them such as:


-looking around

-mentioning other girls

-saying i like someone else


And if that doesn't work...i'll just tell them straight up, I'm flattered but i dont like you like that.

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I think in all fairness to both sexes, and let anyone who reads this take note...


if you are not attracted be honest with the person, but don't go humiliating them....at the same time, don't drop hints!

Hints are man's best friend and worst enemies at times...if misinterpreted it leads to disaster on all fronts, trust me...


so yeah, if you want to 'reject' someone or let them know you're not interested, it's not a matter of letting them down easy, it's about letting them know, period.


Be honest and be thankful to them that they noticed you (you should be flattered that the person singled you out as their interest) but let them know, directly, that you're not interested.

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Although there are unique circumstances (which might involve admirers that also stalk their crushes),


I definitely would attempt to maintain a friendship..

This is another point (thank you for reminding me Imperceptible)

After rejecting, don't make things akward and just walk by eachother everytime you see eachother, trust me, there will come a time where you will have to confront the person again, no matter how hard you try.


and it doesn't hurt to have another friend

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I do not reject any girl who asks me out period, simply because, no girl ever does or has, and since it is such a novelty, any girl who were to ask me out would can not be rejected because it would be a first experience for me that anyone has ever done that, that I would have to say 'yes', unless I'm already taken, in which case, I'd just say I'm unavailable.


What girls do is give hints, but the guy has to read between the lines, or read into it, and then do the asking.


LOL! I'm sorry but that is so cute and funny I had to quote you.

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There are lots of girls out there. Around 3 billion to be exact. So if one rejects you, go to another. Go from girl to girl until you find one who loves you and accepts you for who you are. When I go salsa dancing, most of the girls I ask to dance with me say no. Who cares. I just ask other girls, and keeping going from girl to girl until I find some who say yes. Don't take rejection personally. If some girl laughs at you, then laugh at her, and forget her, and prepare for another girl.

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Many females will be mean, cold, careless, and thoughtless when rejecting a guy they're not attracted to. They'll ignore him, laugh about him to her friends, use harsh words when rejecting him, As a female I've seen it happen and I've done it once before. I felt horrible after that incident and thats why i'll never do it again unless the guy is a complete . I guess thats why some guys don't like asking for dates.

Umm, I know you're asking the guys on here, but I'm reacting because the above seems something of a sweeping generalisation: I've never done this and neither have any of my female friends - where are these 'many' women?


As for being on the receiving end of rejection by guys: well, i've had a couple of teenage kisses with guys I had huge crushes on, only to be served the "I see you as a friend" speech the next time I saw them. On the one hand, they shouldn't have kissed me, but on the other, maybe my crush wasn't as obvious as I thought and they didn't realise and just grabbed at the chance to kiss like most teenage boys would. Other than that I don't think i've ever been rejected cruelly.


I've always tried to let people down gently, though again, in my teenage years I might not always have taken the best approach. I didn't want to have to say I just wasn't interested in the guy and hurt him, so in stead I used lines like 'I just came out of a relationship and I'm not ready for anything new right now' - but of course that leaves the hope that at some point in the future you WILL be ready. These days whenever I meet a new guy I try to mention my boyfriend as early on as possible in the conversation - not that I have the arrogance to think that every guy falls for me otherwise, of course not, but this avoids any possible problems. If I were single I'd try to be as gently up front as possible, "I'm sorry, but I don't like you in that way, I see you as a friend" (only adding the last part if we are indeed friends).


As for remaining friends... well, I certainly wouldn't want to lose a friend over something like this, but I would be wary of giving them false hope and thereforeeee be a little more distant than usual until I was sure their attentions were focussed on someone else.

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Umm, I know you're asking the guys on here, but I'm reacting because the above seems something of a sweeping generalisation: I've never done this and neither have any of my female friends - where are these 'many' women?



Everyone I'm asking this question from a girls perspective. I think some of you believe I'm a guy who wants to reject someone. But I'm the female who wants to do the asking.


I've been acquaintances and friends with females who do this. I've known people who were not my friends to do this. I've overheard conversations in class in university where someone is rejected or females laugh or talk about how they rejected a guy. I've seen it numerous times in bars and clubs. I've had guy friends and acquaintances tell me about their experiences. I know all women do not do this but it seems like most of the women I've known do this or have done this. I'm only stating what I found to be the case.

But this type of rejection seemed to happen the most in high school and I didn't hear about it or see it as often in college unless someone was in a club or bar. So I may be in the wrong places at the wrong times.

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You CANNOT compare the differences of guys to girls when it comes to rejection because it isn't the same thing. Girls get it a lot more than guys, and guys react differently, and are far more likely to not get the hint. Just read these forums for example. The ratio between men and women as far as taking rejection and still clinging onto hope that the person will change their mind is heavily in favor of the men. Men just don't get it.


When I reject a girl, I am honest, nice about it, but CLEAR. I leave no room for hope if there isn't any.

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