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How can I handle my Mother?

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OK...so heres the thing...My mother is a diagnosed schophrenic (sp?) and she refuses to believe it. She is not on any medication and hasent been for years...She and I have had a very tumulous relationship over the past couple of years and I havent actually talked to her for almost a year. She sends me emails..sometimes long and drawn out ..sometimes short..not even three words long. 90 percent of the time she is flighty, never staying on one subject for long and most times she jumps from one idea to another. In the past year I have responded maybe twice..one of those times I asked her to not email me again; she kept to that for a short while but just recently she started emailing me again. I dont know how to deal with her rants anymore and in many ways I dont want to ever talk to her again. But I love her...shes my mother and I miss who she used to be. She will never believe that she is sick ...


I dont know how to deal....can anyone give some advice?


Thanks, Raven

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That reminds me of on ER there is a charachter who's mother and brother are both mentally ill and she has similar problems with them. I guess that doesn't actually help, but I know it must be hard, my mom is pretty difficult, don't think she's been diagnosed with anything, not that she's bee to see the doc about anthing though so that doesn't mean theres nothing wrong. I think she has narcisisstic personality disorder. NE way, Will your mom not take her meds??

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I'm sorry you're in that situation. How difficult.


I'm not too sure what you can do other than keeping contact minimal and at a rate that you can handle. That's a lot of stress; and as you probably already know, when people don't want help there isn't much anyone can do.


Have you contacted any local groups? I know there are support groups in my city for families dealing with schizophrenic family members, and for the individuals themself. It could be a great resource of people who know what you are going through.


Good luck.

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