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I don't know why I asked...

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There this girl in my Japanese class that I've liked for a while, but in class one day in an activitiy she said she didn't date. So, I thought I had accept that. But then recently she's started to hang out with my group of friends in class. Well, we just happen to walk some of the same route back to the dorms. I don't why, but today I just asked her why she didn't date. She just told me "I just don't". I said okay, but then I saw her leaving her the same she goes and not even say goodbye. I've been trying to accept just being friends with girls and hope I am just overanalyzing this. But it feels harder just to accept friendships with girls and nothing more. Am I just overanalyzing this?

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Have you asked her what she does besides dating and whether she would like to do that with you?


Other than that, if you can't be just a friend, then don't. My roommate back in college was strung along for 2 years by this girl who totally used him because he kept hoping that if he was really nice, she would change her mind about being "just friends"... it was pitiful really.

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Well, the million dollar question is, Can you be "just friends" with this girl or not? If so, stick with that. If not, run like heck. When she says she doesn't wanna date, what she's probably saying is, "I don't wanna date YOU." Not to be insulting, or anything, but that's probably what she's thinkin'. One of the biggest problems guys have today is picking up the signals. "No means no." If you keep pushing her, you're gonna lose the friendship.


Best thing to do is make a clean break. Find someone else to hit on.

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