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Me n' my girl have been goin out for a month.

I'm only 16, still a youngin'

I've never made out before, but me n' my girl kiss all the time when we're together, just casual or slow passionate kisses.


From what I've picked up form her, she wouldnt mind makin out... But when I talk to her about it she says "no need to rush we've only bein going out for a month." or some jive like that.


errrrrr... aa moonnntthhh, like lets pick up the pace a tad' bit faster. It's starting to get boring, we're running out of things to keep ourselves entertained.


Sometimes we'll kiss slowly a few times and I'm thinkin, ok we can go from here to makin out... Which seems alright BUT! then she stops and we just kinda softly look at eachother and smile. Hurray! Happy! but... I just am not sure whats goin on in her head...


I wish I knew how girls thought, I wish I could read their thoughts, BUT then again... This place wouldn't be gettin much buissness...


Any Help?

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We meet eachothers needs just fine.

I don't need to make out with her, I could do without it but I just don't want to at the moment. I know that she wants to also, it's just we can't do it. I know she wants me to make the move, and I've told her how uncomfortable i feel about making moves, but she stands her ground that I'm the one to do it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dude I Have one word to say................. WHIPED! (cracking whip noise)


lol man jokes i was in that situation just a few days ago here what happened me n my girl were watching a movie right, and i have my arm behind her back NOT her shoulder, n e wayz i tok my other arm and put it around the front of her like i was huggin her, i moved my front have just to around her neck and put our head right together, i tilted my head and gave her a soft kiss of her cheek, then she tilted and gave me a kiss on the lips...... and you can geuss the rest, this was my first time making out and i thought it would be imposible for me to make the move, but in the end its not that hard man! give it a try, see wut happens! good luck!


keep rockin in the free world



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  • 1 month later...

Let me tell you the girl had to make the first move with me becouse I am sooo shy. But you just know when the time is that is about all I can say. Now the diffrence between making out and frenching. Well that one is a hard one really I dont know what the diffrance is. Well good luck.

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  • 2 months later...

I am a girl and this is how i would want it to happen if i were her. You said that sometmes you give her slow passionate kisses, when you are doing that start to turn it into a french kiss. If she doesnt like it then try it differently in a week or two but not to soon becuase then she might think you only into her becuase you guys kiss and get close.

Best of Luck!


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