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PRESSURE: pursuing a very attractive woman

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if you believe someone is so "perfect" he/she is likely not perfect for YOU, because you can't even see that person at the same level as you.


Truth is, everyone's perfect. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's better than everyone's phrase that "nobody's perfect". Everyone's perfect, as long as they are exactly WHO they are, and not trying to be someone or something else. You are perfectly you, if you are BEING yourself (another cheesy phrase).


Keep in mind that someone that is "perfect for you" is not someone you will never, ever fight with, or someone whose eyes you can stare longingly into for hours on end, or someone who shares all your likes and dislikes, etc. Someone that is "perfect for you" is someone you know is committed to you, and vice versa. Too many things can go wrong if someone is so unbearably attractive that you can barely stand to look at her. Know what I'm saying?

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I love the quote: "Nobody is perfect!!! Until....you fall in love with them" I just thought of that from reading the last post. It's a true quote, when you are in love, all of someone's so called "flaws" seem perfect to you.

Anyway, I haven't been able to follow this post since I haven't been on in a few days but I think that Lily has given you some excellent advice. I hope all is well and everything works out for the best for you!

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she contacts me and invites me over often as a friend, so it still gives me hope


I look at other girls I see and none can possibly substitute for her. She means everything to me, I have absolutely zero desire to be with any other girl.


monsieur, I don't know what to tell you. Personally, I feel that you are no where near being ready for a relationship with this girl because for one, you hold her on a pedastle above you. It's good to love someone, even love someone more than yourself, but you also must respect yourself. I don't see that here. If so, this woman wouldn't be on a pedastle above you, she would be your equal, your one person that would challenge you and make you better just as you would challenge her and make her better. In this case I don't see equals. I see a queen and her subject. That is no way to ever have a happy relationship. Now you might be happy with her, because she is like your queen and simply being near her makes you worthy, but she couldn't be happy. Happiness is not simply having someone who treats you good, it's a heck of a lot more than that. I hope one day you realize that a woman would be completely bored with a subservient partner, would be dead without someone who would inspire her and challenge her to be better.


If you want to keep paying chase, by all means man, continue on. IMO from all that I know about meeting people and dating, you're headed for failure, and it's because you aren't giving yourself enough credit.

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