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How would he show it?

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All depends how shy he is, like so shy he doesn't hardly talk? Is he outgoing in settings where he is surrounded by friends and then when he gets around someone he's interested in he has a hard time finding the words? It's really depends heavily on the person, some guys just naturally have no idea where to begin so if he is that shy and your interested maybe you could put the first foot forward and try to make the situation more comfortable for him. I know when something is new for me, even after I'm on a date or two with the person I have a hard time making the move for the first kiss because I don't want to force myself on them and I'm trying to respect them and it just comes down to them sending the right signals.

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Acting nervous or uncomfortable when in your presense

Turning red in the face

Tendency to stutter when talking to you

Not quite being himself

Tries to get your attention


I tend to be shy at first, but once the ice is broken, I'm not shy at all. It really depends on the person, really (like Cooperstown said). Some are shy all the time, and some are just shy initially.

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