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Sounds like exma or some form of it if you ask me. I have exma too so I'll start the list of creams I've tried:


diprobase is good but it makes your skin feel like it's covered with exma cream which is sometimes a nasty feeling.


Aquirius: Don't bother it makes your skin feel nasty and greasy.


E45: Same effects as aquirius cream only it's even worse.


There are some steriod creams but if it's not bad the doctor won't pescribe you with it. I use some really heavy duty stuff and my skin still keeps drying out but diprobase is the best if it's used a little and rubbed in well.


I agree with fairie16. Aloe is definatly the best! If you can aford it get a plant. They are like pointy green leaves that you pull the end of the leaf off, split it open and rub the inside on the dry skin. It seriously helps but I don't have a plant They only need watering once a week and they don't get very big if you keep them in a pot (they won't grow any bigger then you let them).




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Sounds like you have combination skin then, which can be frustrating.


Cetaphil products are great - they have both cleansers and moisturizers which are for sensitive skin/acne prone skin and works by replenishing moisture. When you use the cleansers, you don't have to rinse with water, just wipe off, so your skin is not stripped so dry but it still cleans off the oils & makeup. Spectra Jel stuff is also similar, with cleansers and moisturizers. They are super gentle, but work well, and do moisturize at same time.

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You should try emu oil. link removed is a web site about it. I put it all over my body and the results I have had from it is amazing, the best topical I have ever used in my life. I wouldn't recommend steroid creams because they can cause your skin to become thin, that's something you don't want.

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I use glaxal base with 10% glycerin. It's fully over the counter, but if you get a doc to prescribe it to you, it will get mixed by a pharmacist, AND you pay less for it if you have a drug plan.


I have eczema and nothing worked for me for YEARS. What you have actually doesn't sound like eczema to me, but I wouldn't know unless I saw it. Heck, I wouldn't even be sure then, best bet is to talk to a doc.


I use this mixture and it's great because it's not greasy for long, maybe 10 or 15 minutes and it gets sucked into your skin. There are NO allergens in it, it's a very simple basic cream. I have very few flareups now because of my religious moisturizing with this stuff. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone with dry skin, not only those with specific diagnosed skin problems.

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Cetaphil also works great for me. My dermatologist prescribed it for me when I was in my teens and I've been using it ever since. Later I found it available over the counter in the major grocery stores where I live.



Ditto. Love it. I use the cleanser and the moisturizer. It's boooring, but so nice to my skin.

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Y'know, cetaphil was great for me in the sense that it didn't cause flare ups, but it didn't do anything to exfoliate my skin. My skin always felt rough and gross. I started using St Yves apricot scrub sensitive skin and it was awesome. My skin never looked better.


In my experience, it's all about finding what works for you, and STICKING WITH IT. No matter what new stuff comes along that smells good or looks pretty.

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elaineska, I also know of a good health and beauty newsgroup with lots of product reviews. I haven't been there in awhile (months and months), but I used to find it very helpful. I consult it before I lay out any serious cash for fancy products. It's called Makeupalley:


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