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My problem does not consist of the usual relationship ordeal. My problem is that when i get a job, which i've had a job since i was 16, i'll be 20 in November, i tend to get bored with it really quick. I get used to the job and then I get bored and want to move up in the company or out, which ever is more feasible.


I thought I wanted to get into technology, i took some computer classes and networking classes and now I'm leaning towards my old major that I wanted to get which is Anestegiology (sp?) which is putting peep's to sleep when they have surgery and I'm gonna start by being a Radiologist (x-ray tech) first.


Any suggestions on how I can overcome my boredom with jobs?

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Well I recently got a job at The Beer Store to cover my student debt, and it's working great... I used to be exactly like you but now I find this job has changed all that. What I needed was a place where I could move up if I put in the effort. I suggest you do the same... find a career not a job.


I hope this helps.

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Hi there...

Well welcome to the world of yucky jobs....I think the best way to motivate yourself is to find something you really love to do. The rest is just a paycheck, which you can only keep an interest in for a short time.

I think at 20 you have plenty of time to explore, try new things...

...set a time limit for yourself to stay at a job and stick to it! While you are there, make sure you learn all you can.

Once you find something you really love, you will know it...

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set yourself specific goals that you want to achieve like "I want to be in ____ (insert position here) in 6 months" or "The longest Ive ever stayed in a job is ______ (insert time here) and I want to stay at this job for at least 12 months. You will never climb your way up any ladder if you keep on changing your career path all the time so stick with it and in the end it will all pay off.

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