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Need some Help, Many Questions inside.

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My 1st post (well 2nd since I didn't post it in the exact right board lol) and I just found this site and I think its great. By far the best relationship site i've seen.


Anyways a lot of this stuff is really similar in other topics but everyone has a different about it I guess. So here is my background of everything........


I am 18 years old, just had my birthday about a month ago. I'm not to experience in relationships at all. I've really never had an official girlfriend and only been on a couple of dates. But I think I have had a lot of growth in the last year/months. A lot of that is due to a wonderful person I know. She is in my same class at school, seniors this year. I believe we started talking hear and there online about a year ago. But last year during the winter we realized we had a few classes together. Soon we became very good friends. One thing though about her is, she is very friendly to many people. Very open to many people and has a large amount of guy friends. Well anyways we finally started doing things together outside of school. One thing again is she planned the things, and insisted that she drives. Now the summer roles in, and we talk online just about everyday and sometimes on the phone. There have been many days where I cannot stop thinking about her, it becomes unhealthy. I just got back now from vacation and she did as well about the same thing. I told myself that its time to move the relationship to the next level and I was going to ask her out on the phone. Problem was today I just couldn't do it. This isn't the 1st time I said this would be the day I would do it, and then I never do. And it looks like the days that would be open to do something would be Wednesday. She alrdy invited me to a party she is going to have at her house, she has a pool. That should be fun, but I want to ask her out on a 1st official date. Now here is a summary of the questions:


1. Is it possible to cause it so I can be in control?

2. Any tips to getting enough courage to make that important call?

3. Is even moving it to the next level going to work?

4. Another problem is 60% of interaction is done online. Bad or Good or doesn't matter?


Another thing I guess I didn't say what I know there are some hints of attraction. I know that I am treated different than the other guy friends. A lot of them have failed at what I have tried. One just went on saying he liked her. But he has no chance another just hits on her and she told him he had no chance. Her best friend who is like a sister, asked me if I liked her I said I have strong feelings, and she said it ask her out!


I think that covers my situation. Sorry for being so long

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yo if i was u id jus go for it! it sounds like she likes u so jus take that risk u only live once. and if i was u id try to ask her face to face cuz that way u would show ur not scared. and she would have more respect for u. besides doing it over the fone is kinda lame ur hiding behind da fone. when i first asked my girl out i took her out to somewhere she likes to b and then jus have good convos wit her and then kinda near at the end of the date pop da question. going on da date wit her would show her u and her would make a good couple. well i dont think u should have any second thoughts about this girl. jus ask her and she would most likely say yes have confidence bro!

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OK! I will try the best I can to help you..Call her, ask her out, tell her YOU will pick her up and take her, where ever it is you have planned. Then take her out. And if she says no, dont like stress over it, it is one girl out of millions, and heres the thing...the interenet thing isn't bad, but it is always better to get to know somebody in person, so cut 30% of the internet time and talk to her on the phone 15% of the time and try to get together with her the other 15%, and slowly let the other 30% online taper off...you see what Im sayin?? don't make it a point to talk to her on the internet, if you see her on, say what up..but anyway Im out! God Bless

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