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Should I stay, or Should I go?

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Well I really need peoples opinion on this.

Currently I've started a Degree at university in Multimedia and Digital Arts.

It's the course I want to do, but it's 150km's away, and I have to commute by public transport (I can't afford to move) which takes 5 hours a day.


The course isn't offered where I live, however theres a Diploma of multimedia in my home town (a course designed to get people into the degree Im already enrolled in).


Anyway, the cut off date before I have to pay fees, is in a few days. I need to decide wether to pull out or not.


Theres no doubt Id be happier in my self if I pulled out, but I'd probably be seen as a failure by my parents and peers. I'd feel as though I was letting everyone down. And I would also feel horribly guilty. It's a great opportunity but it seems to have come at the worst time. I dont have a car or a license, and with all the time travelling to get into uni, I don't have time for a part time job.


Add onto this my parents are going away soon for a holiday for half the year, so Il be on my own, kinda stranded. It's going to be insanely intense and I dont know if I have the drive to get through that.


I asked if I could do the course part-time but its not offered. Nor is off campus study.


Anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do?

I know that the course will improve my skills and my chances at employment (maybe not greatly however) and my parents will be proud of me.

However it would be IMMENSLY easier on me if I could either do something closer to home, or pull out all together. The travelling is getting so insane and not only do I not have time for homework, I definatly dont have time for a social life.


Any help or ideas would be GREATLY appreciate because Im really desperate for a solid decision. Im so confused and undecided and I have to make up my mind soon or Il get massive fines >_

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Well personally I think you should go with whatever makes you happier. You said yourself you would be happier doing the closer course - and although it is aimed at providing a path into the degree you are currently doing, it is still a qualification on its own.


Also with the uni being so far away and you not having transport (especially the limited public transport where you are) it makes it just that extra bit harder. Remember that when you have to do a whole new set of units, they may not fall in times you can make, and with 3 years of degree there is plenty of chance that could happen - getting 2 years in and getting lumped with a set of courses you can't make it to at all and thus you fail won't bet the greatest thing ever.


I'm of the firm belief you should do stuff because it makes you happy - not because it makes someone else happy - and it sounds to me like you are worried about being perceived as a failure by friends and family if you drop out. A degree is a big portion of your life to spend doing for someone else.

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i agree with the pc man.


The same thing with me, i am going for my cisco course because i feel like i am good at networking and thats where my future or interests are. My dad was not supportive initially since i am spending some bux for the training not to mention the exams are little costier too. What the heck, this is what i want. The training place is almost 60kms away and i travel by train, by bus and then walking some more distance. I am doing it each day for the last 2 months.


I have gained a lot in knowledge, lost a lot in weight and finally got my flat stomach with all the walking, travelling n stuff, feel really good about it.


You are right no time for socializing but somehow i manage to catch up with my friends on sundays, i take out the car and just drop at their place without notice...

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Thanks guys...

I'm still immensly undecided. Tomorrow morning I have to leave the house at 6:45 AM to get to class in time for my 10AM lecture. Then I have to sit in the university library for 4 hours, do my tutorial then go on the long trip home.


Is it any wonder why Im nto motivated to do any of the work? Its overwhelming... I wish I wasnt such a quitter and failure >_

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You arent a quitter or a failure - there are limits to people, just cause you reached yours doesnt make you a failure. If someone else says "I can do it though" - so what? I can build a computer - just cause I can doesnt mean everyone else can. Does that make them a failure cause they can't?

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i know its tough on ya, even i am not working either. I left most of what i do to what i want to do. I am not caring for anyone's opinion on me as such. Everybody at my place is settled in life at my age, either they are with someone or married and have steady job. Most people laugh at me for doing what i am doing now. My gf left me when i was at the lowest point in my life.


Anyways, I do get out early at 5:30 am. I am not used to gettin up so early, but i still do somehow, sometimes it sucks for a while. When there is nobody there to motivate you then you have yourself, don't forget one thing you are still alive. You are young and life is very short for feeling what you are feelin right now. Just go for it, if thats what you want for yourself, give it all.


If any of your friends make you feel like a failure or a quitter then they are not your friends. Forget them and move on.


Take it easy and things will get better...just take it 1 day at a time.

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