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Friend got Catty, weird- never heard from her again

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I had a friend who i really liked, we would go out and have alot of fun together, we both went to the same college. We were friends for 4 years- went out every weekend. Had loads of fun.



Then she moved in with some new roommates in some apartment.One day I called her and she told me she was staying in. I had gone out with my other friend and ran into her and other friend in some bar.


So we all wound up hanging out at a cafe but I caught her smiling at her other friend and not saying anything, like they were laughing about me together-some inside joke- that kind of thing. I caught it right away. She was smiling at my other friend I was with in a real catty type way.


So I thought it was messed up, anyway she called me after that i was just trying to be friendly , asked her if her and her ex are getting back together, since they always were breaking up and getting back. She got VERY defensive and said DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT" in a very catty way. I was really taken aback and shocked.

I decided that im not going to contact her anymore and she can always call me if she wants, i didnt appreciate the way she was talking to me.


its been a year, have never heard from her again, i saw her in the street last week and she made believe she didnt see me. I just didnt say anything.


I just dont understand what happened? Do you think I should have talked to her?

I just felt she was being mean to me and didnt like me anymore so i backed off.

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Forget about her.


She doesn;t sound like shes worth your time. If you really need closure, ask for an explaination but I doubt you'll get even that from her.


She sounds like an immature, catty *****. I wouldn't waste my time personally. You have other firends who treat you like friends.

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