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I dont understand this friend, someone explain this to me?

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I have a friend who i fell out of touch with.

She instant messages me to ask questions like this..


"hey are you going to the new club downtown"?

I respond no, she says "oh its cheap to get in"..


She doesnt invite me... Then I'll ask her, "hey are you going to crobar club for that show"? She responds back "no but im going to Moomba club alot"


Then I respond back "I might go to Pyramid club next week"


She responds back "oh i only go to shows my boyfriends pays for me and he wants to go because i have no money and im in debt"


So basically shes telling me shes not going anywhere with me, so why does she keep messaging me like this?

I find it weird........ Is she mad at me or soemthing? I dont know why she even bothers messaging me then.

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what if you asked her to meet up for a coffee or something that does not involve much money. then prehaps you would know if it is the money thing that is stoping here from meeting with you.


it is a bit strange that she would message you and then not go anywhere with you. unless she is trying to make you jealous or something?

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