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I'm slightly perplexed

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I suppose this is an answer that I can only conjur up by myself, but maybe some of you have ideas....


I'm still conversing with the guy that I mentioned in "Warning: Parental Discretion is Advised." He's back in his former home state for the summer visiting family, and will be back in late August. We're both excited about finally meeting eachother in the fall when school starts, and are looking forward to spending time together. He and I have this awesome connection. It's as if we read eachother's minds sometimes, it's crazy! My problem is, I don't know if I actually like him in the romantic sense, or if I just look forward to meeting and speaking with him because he always compliments me and gives me the type of attention that I'm not used to. Maybe once we meet in person, I'll feel different, I don't really know. This is all terribly confusing. He made his own nickname for me and everything, he's just really sweet!


If you read this far, thank you!

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I think from what you have said in both your postings this guy is very interested you. He most likely is romatically attached to you so if you are not feeling that way with him, tell him or your friendship could go down in flames. I'm not saying it is not possible for him to like you only as a friend but make sure your not leading him on! You have a great connection with this guy so continue being honest with him Even if you tell him your not sure how you feel about him, wether it be friends or more.

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Thanks for the words of wisdom! I've put myself in kind a tough situation, one I'll have to figure out for myself. I can't really say if I'm attached to him romantically or not. I guess I'll just wait until we meet in person. Maybe I'll feel differently? For right now, I'm just grateful to have met him.

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