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I'm 20 years old, will be turning 21 in a couple months. I've never had a girlfriend. I've never kissed anybody. And I can't get a girlfriend. I am on the larger side. I'm 6 foot 3, 280 pounds. Here's a pic link removed


Am I really a monster? I mean, i know I'm not good looking, but am I really so bad that no girl in the world wants to even be seen in public with me?


I'm really depressed about it... I think I'm a nice person... what should I do?

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You are not bad looking. Then again I love men with goatees.


I want you to know that I dated a guy for a year that looked just like you but he had shorter hair.....So you are not bad looking


Stop telling yourself that. Find one thing about your looks and tell yourself that you love that about yourself. Its hard for someone to fall in love with you if you cant find anything good about yourself. even the Beast in Beauty and the Beast learned to love himself.


So Beast find your Beauty

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hehehe. It wasn't really that hard, to be honest. I just cut back on fried foods and coke, stopped eating after 7:00, and go for a 15 minute walk a day. I'm actually getting a little ambitious now, because when the semester starts up again in late August, I'm planning on going running at the rec center every day. I hope I can stick to it.


Yea... it might just be that I don't fit in here. 30 minutes north of Pittsburgh doesn't sound too far... but the area here is VERY conservative... and since I'm a guy with long hair, not too many people take a liking to me.

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You do not look like a monster to me! You have nice eyes. You also seem to be nice and charming! Working out is a great thing to do it gives you energy and gets rid of stress.


Well a good way to meet people on campus at my school is to sign up for organizations and volunteer groups. I went to UA where there are all kinds of people there you just need to find out which organization has the most members that have the same interest as you.


Also, I am sure you can sign up to be in the SGA or you can be an RA. They meet a lot of people. You can join a club in your major. I was in three clubs in school where I meet many new people. When you find a couple of guy friends, you guys can go to the games and bars and meet new people too . Be friendly to everyone you know, and you may meet a nice girl. You never know,someone may have a friend to hook you up with.


Do not worry about not having a girlfriend right now, she will come when you least expect it!

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