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k so i've been dating this girl for a year now and we really love eachother.

we never lie or lied to eachother and we always talked about problems when we had any. now she has been in edmonton ( i live in calgary ) for the past 5 months at U of A. things rather went down due to long distance but, seeing eachother every second/third week gave us the strenght to hold on to eachother. This being my/her first serious relationship, we decided that in the summer, when she plans on going to europe with her family, to have an OPEN relationship!


That means, from what i know anyways, that we can try new stuff like dating (not neccessarily sex ), flirting and looking for someone else. with one condition only: the assumption that after all this possible adventure she will have there, after all the guys she can "try" or whatever, she would still come back to me.... saying that probably makes me look like im waiting for something thats possible of not coming @ all. and by that i mean that if she finds herself a guy there that she would love and forget about me, then yes *my loss.


The thing is that when she leaves, we established that i am going to go out and "explore" this whole relationship stuff as well, thing that im not too keen on just for the simple fact that its more confortable to have a gf then to look for one(lol).


being the situation, the decision WE took and the fact that im going to go with it, my question and also dillema is:


will i ever love this girl again after maybe i find someone else?

or should i wait until she comes back and take a decision from there...

should i start looking the moment she's gone ?


what do some of you suggest ?



thank you in advance

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Now, forgive me if Ive read this wrong, am I understanding this right?


Youve been with this girl a year, and and now you are going to have an open relationship where you can go with other people but will end up back with her unless you find other people you love?!?


Thats insane..if you two really loved each other youd be togerther and not want anyone else! Sounds like shes using you to be honest - like, she wants to go out with other guys but always have the feeling that youll be a *backup* if she doesnt find anyone else, and you're doing the same.


It seems quite dumb. You two cant be into each other that much if you are doing something like this, why not just split up and go after other people? You and your girlfriend have a long distance , hardwork relationship anyway that clearly cant mean that much to you, its amystery why you are still together.


Split up and find people you DO care about. Cos you dont love this one.

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