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when i was younger i used to live with my family and then when i was about 15 we got kicked out of our house we moved from place to place i lived in motels and some of the worst places you can think of and also during all this my parents divorced they did not get along ever in the first place so ever since all this crap happened i don't trust anyone i'm very insecure i really don't even trust my family that's how bad it is I haven't live somewhere for more than six months since i was 15 always moving around still what can i do to help calm me down and fix this PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME

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Trust and depend on yourself. It is hard to accept that those closest to us cannot be trusted or depended on. I have been hurt by very similar things. Time can heal this and you must put your energies into trying to get inner strength so you can make a place for yourself where you will feel nurtured and have the stability and peace in your life that you deserve. I found that all I can do is try to forgive those who let me down and put energy into trying to take care of myself.

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