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Yes.. for women its true. Your clitoris is located almost right on top of the Urethra. Sex.. or oral sex may push bacteria up into the opening of the urethra. And Yes.. you will be prone to more uninary tract infections.


You should try to Urinate right after sex. Will help to flush the bacteria out of the Urinary tract canal.


And yes... Ask your gynochologist about it or md. Its common.

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Ermmm...Id find that very hard to believe!


Think about it...didya ever hear a doctor say "and here's a health tip, always pee after sex or else you'll probably get an infection?"


No, its not true. For one thing, the uretha and that area etc where urinary tract infections occur is separate to the sexual organs, so that makes no sense!!


Actually, they do say that. If you do some research into UTI's you will find that is a common way to cut down on them, along with drinking cranberry juice and staying hydrated, and wiping the right way after going to the bathroom, etc.


They recommend peeing after sex if you are prone to urinary tract infections. Some women are more prone to them as they have shorter urethra's, or low immune systems.


This flushes out the bacteria and other goodies that can travel up the urethra, many of which can come from sexual activity/fluids as bacteria from the rectal area get pushed around towards the urethra. Urinating after sex flushes these bacteria that may be working their way up right back out again.


Your friend is right. Now of course some women won't, and won't get UTI's, but they also may have a lower risk in first place or less exposure to the bacteria.





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I can testify to that... I have a UTI right now thanks to a frisky encounter with my man last week where I didn't get up right after to pee!


The thrusting action of the penis can easily push bacteria that lives on skin into the woman's urethra- causing a UTI. Peeing before and after sex and drinking 2-3 litres of fluid a day (water is best) can help prevent it (urinating pushes the bacteria back out if it's immediately after sex).


Cranberry juice does help make the urine more acidic, which makes the bladder and urethra a less suitable environment for bacteria, but you really have to drink TONS of it to make a difference.

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